A Study Reveals How Effective The Use Of Cloth Masks Is

JAKARTA - COVID-19 positive patients in Indonesia are increasing day by day, especially in densely populated areas such as DKI Jakarta. Not a few residents were found still roaming around without wearing masks.

On the other hand, public awareness is still lacking, especially their role in reducing and breaking the chain of the spread of COVID-19. Moreover, it is claimed that doctors, nurses and other medical personnel will be overwhelmed if there is no prevention in dealing with cases of the deadly virus.

Until now, experts still agree on three main strategies to stop the transmission of the virus in the community, namely washing hands with running water and soap, applying physical distancing, and using cloth masks when outside the home and traveling.

"We consider that when the rules of Social and Physical Distancing are difficult to implement, the use of cloth masks for the public is considered quite effective in reducing the risk of transmission of COVID 19," said Indonesian Buffer Family Public Relations, Dr. M. Hud Suhargono, SpOG (K).

Why is it important?

It should be noted, the use of cloth masks is quite useful for now in breaking the chain of spread of COVID-19, because there are many reported cases that there are people with asymptomatic carriers (people without symptoms) that are difficult to detect.

Asymptomatic carriers are individuals who have been infected but have not shown symptoms. These individuals are still free to interact with other individuals and have the potential to infect other individuals, especially individuals who are susceptible to the virus.

Due to the limited number of surgical masks or N9 masks for medical personnel, the CDC (Center of Disease Control and Prevention) in the United States (US) recommends the use of homemade cloth masks as an alternative to using masks for the general public.

"Masks should be used by everyone, not just people who are sick with colds and fever," added Dr. Hud.

In a study conducted in Cambridge in 2013, the cloth used for non-medical masks was found to be quite effective in preventing the transmission of the virus. Due to the size of COVID-19 itself, which is 0.12-0.18 microns. From the results of research on particles measuring 0.02 microns, surgical masks have an effectiveness of 97 percent.

Meanwhile, a cloth similar to a rag used as a mask has an effectiveness of up to 83 percent when used in one layer. Meanwhile, if two layers are used, the effectiveness is almost the same as a surgical mask, namely 93 percent. Meanwhile, masks made of cotton cloth when used in one layer have an effectiveness of up to 69 percent and if two layers are used, the effectiveness becomes 71 percent.

"In addition, one other advantage is that the cloth mask material can be washed again with ordinary detergents, making it easier for people to care for and use it," said Dr. Hud.

Dr Hud also hopes that the socialization of the use of cloth masks in the community is an effort to further increase public awareness and concern for their own protection, protection of their families, protection of others around them, and the wider community.

It should be emphasized in the campaign to use cloth masks for the public, that masks are part of a strategic package to break the chain of transmission of COVID-19. Until now, based on data from the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), cases of people with positive COVID-19 in the country alone have reached 3521, 2924 patients were treated and recovered 282. Meanwhile, 306 people died.