Support Prabowo's Program On Residential Issues, National Police Chief Builds 100,000 Subsidized Houses For Police Personnel

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo inaugurated the subsidized housing program for members of the National Police and civil servants of the National Police. The program is a form of government support in providing decent housing for the community.

The inauguration of the program was marked by the laying of the first stone for the construction of 100,000 subsidized houses in Karawang, West Java.

"Alhamdulillah, today we gather to jointly support the President's program related to the construction of 3 million houses. Home is a basic necessity, which is also a hope for Polri personnel," said Sigit in his remarks, Tuesday, March 4.

In this program, the National Police targets the construction of 100,000 housing units throughout Indonesia, with 14,000 units of which will be built in the Polda ranks.

In fact, Sigit believes that this number can exceed the target. As long as the development process does not encounter any obstacles, including the weather, or runs smoothly.

"The need may be even greater. If everything goes well, our target could be more than 100 thousand units. This will be very useful for members of the National Police," he explained.

The program is a form of Polri's support for Asta Cita Presiden Prabowo Subianto. Especially in an effort to improve people's welfare and encourage regional economic growth.

This is because the subsidized house construction program is also supported by various facilities, such as zero percent down payment, fast licensing, and BPHTB exemption until July 2025.

"The property sector has a large multiplier effect on the economy. With the construction of this house, we hope it can have a positive impact on the regional economy," said Sigit.

The groundbreaking activity was also attended by the Minister of Housing and Settlement Areas Maruarar Sirait, West Java Governor Dedi Mulyadi, as well as a number of high-ranking officials, including the Inspector General of the National Police, Komjen Pol. Dedi Prasetyo, West Java Police Chief Inspector General Akhmad Wiyagus, and Kapok Sahli TNI Brigadier General Arh. Albertus Magnus Suharyadi. Also present was the President Director of PT Asabri Jepri Haryadi, BTN representatives, Tapera representatives, and other invited guests.