Thailand Goes Crazy, COVID-19 Cases Set New Records

JAKARTA - COVID-19 cases in Thailand increase, even reaching new records. Where in a day 2,070 people tested positive for COVID-19, Friday, April 23.

Reported by Reuters from Antara, this condition is the worst for Thailand to date.

Four COVID-19 deaths were also reported, according to the Ministry of Health and to date a total of 50,183 infections and 121 COVID-19 deaths have been recorded.

Thailand has managed to maintain a much lower caseload than many other countries. However, the new outbreak, which includes the highly contagious variant of the coronavirus B117, has caused more than 20,000 domestic infections with 27 deaths in just 23 days.

The outbreak started in the capital city of Bangkok and spread throughout the region.

Schools, bars and spas are closed until next month and the sale of alcohol in restaurants is also banned to prevent an epidemic.

The new spread, which accounts for more than a third of Thailand's cases so far, also comes as the country is taking tentative steps for foreign visitors after a year of tight border controls.