Update On COVID-19 As Of April 11: No Reason For Refusing The Body

JAKARTA - Government spokesman for the handling of the COVID-19 virus Achmad Yurianto explained the development of the COVID-19 case. As of Saturday, April 11 at 15.43 WIB, an additional 330 patients tested positive for the corona virus.

On Friday, April 10, there were 3,512 positive patients with the corona virus, then today it increased to 3,842 people. Thousands of these positive cases have spread in all provinces throughout Indonesia.

Yuri stated, there were an additional 21 cases of patients who died, with a total of 327 people per day. As of today, there have been an additional four cases of patients who have recovered. The total number of recovered patients was 286.

The government continues to work to eradicate the spread of the corona virus or COVID-19 in Indonesia. Yurianto explained that the increase in the number of positive patients made the community worried about being infected. Because of this, there has been rejection of the bodies of the victims who died in various regions.

In fact, said Yurianto, the protocol regarding the burial of the corpse had been made in accordance with a circular from the Ministry of Religion and the MUI fatwa regulation No.8 / 2020. "We hope that there is no more reason by the public to be afraid or even to reject this matter. We are trying to protect everything. We mean it," he said.

The management of bodies exposed to the COVID-19 virus, said Yurianto, had also been carried out in accordance with existing medical protocols, and was carried out by parties who were trained and authorized to do so. So, there is no reason to refuse on the grounds of fear of being exposed to this virus.

"They are our brothers and sisters, who are forced to fail in carrying out their duties. They are our families who because of this disease have become victims and died," he said.

Meanwhile, Yurianto said, to date nearly 20 thousand samples have been examined in 40 laboratories throughout Indonesia, both in Jakarta and other areas. This is the government's effort to enforce the diagnosis with certainty through real time PCR examinations which have become the world standard in terms of enforcing confirmatory diagnoses of COVID-19.

"More than 790 thousand PPE medical great, premium quality, best quality, which is intended to protect all health workers. It has been held by the task force and distributed throughout Indonesia," he said.