127 Indians Come To Indonesia Amid COVID-19, Indonesia Parliament: Contradictory To Prohibition Of Homecoming

JAKARTA - Member of Commission I Indonesia Parliament Sukamta asked the Government to be firm and consistent in its efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia. This is following the news that 127 Indian citizens have come to Indonesia in the midst of the 2021 homecoming ban.

Sukamta reminded that there should not be loose rules so that the transmission of COVID-19 becomes even more severe. Moreover, the country is experiencing a surge in positive cases.

"With the government taking a policy of reducing the mobility of Indonesian citizens through banning homecoming, this should also be accompanied by a policy of reducing foreigners entering Indonesia", said Sukamta to reporters, Friday, April 23.

According to the legislator for the Yogyakarta electoral district, if the government wants to reduce the movement of citizens so that COVID-19 will subside, the restrictions on foreigners entering Indonesia should also be imposed.

"Temporary restrictions on foreigners should also be carried out and that is immediate", the PKS politician appealed.

Sukamta assessed that the entry of hundreds of Indian citizens to Indonesia would bring a bad impact on current policy to prohibit homecoming. Because it will give the impression that the government is selective. Where the rules for foreigners are loose, while for Indonesians being tightened.

"If this perception arises, it will be counterproductive. It could threaten the policy of prohibiting homecoming," criticized Sukamta.

Head of Health Quarantine Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control Ministry of Health, Benget said Indonesia had 127 foreigners from India, using charter planes and landing at Soekarno-Hatta Airport.

"That's right, they went through Soekarno-Hatta, boarded a charter plane from India. There were 127 foreigners from India", Benget said, Thursday, April 22.

The foreigners arrived on Wednesday evening, April 21, at 19.30 WIB on the QZ9BB ex MMA aircraft.

Benget said, according to Circular Letter Number 8 of 2021 concerning the International Travel Health Protocol during the COVID-19 Pandemic, hundreds of Indian citizens meet the criteria for foreigners who are allowed to enter Indonesia because they have(Limited Stay Permit Card).

However, the Ministry of Health continues to monitor and develop these Indian citizens to ensure that those who arrive are free of the coronavirus.