Indonesian Submarine Bases Are In This Area

YOGYAKARTA - The Indonesian Navy submarine has reportedly lost contact in Bali waters. It is suspected that the submarine that sank was the KRI Nanggala 402 made in Germany in 1982.

The Indonesian Navy is checking the whereabouts of one of its submarines. The submarine did not report back after training. The reason is that the submarine is taking part in a missile exercise in North Bali waters. However, the submarine did not deliver the results of its training.

Of course the KRI Nanggala-402 which is the second submarine in the Cakra class submarine is declared missing. According to information, this ship is the second ship to bear the name Nanggala in the Indonesian Navy.

Until now, the search continues by mobilizing the entire Navy and Air Force to search for it. Even offers of assistance from several large countries such as the United States and Singapore are also ready to operate.

Talking about the submarine base, where have you been? Here's the information.

Indonesian submarine bases are in this area

Talking about where the Indonesian submarine base is, of course, many are wondering about that. Is it because the submarine is a secret combat tool, the base is secret?

However, it turns out that the Indonesian submarine base is in the Natuna region. More details are in the Lampa Strait, Natuna Regency, Riau Islands (Kepri).

The Natuna Submarine Base was inaugurated directly by the TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto on Tuesday, December 18 2018.

A new submarine base was built in Palu Bay

Currently, the Indonesian Navy is building a special base for submarines and warships in Palu Bay.

"Construction began in 2011 at the Indonesian Navy Base (Lanal) jetty in Loli Village, Palu City," said Dan Lanal Palu Marine Colonel (P) Budi Utomo to ANTARA at the Donggala Fish Landing Port (PPI), about 35 km north of Palu City.

According to him, the Central Sulawesi Provincial Government and the Palu City Government have helped the Indonesian Navy in the form of a three-hectare land to maximize the Lanal Pier in Loli as a base for submarines and KRI.

On this land, the Indonesian Navy will build various facilities and facilities for the benefit of serving the Indonesian Navy's defense equipment so that it can function optimally as a resting location, fixing and filling the logistics of submarines and warships.

Facilities that are being and will be built are dormitories for crew members and also facilities for renovation and repair of ships.

"The base can now be used but not maximally. It has been tested with submarines and has been routinely used by KRI-KRI operating in the Indonesian archipelago sea lane (ALKI) III in the Banda Sea," said Budi.

According to Budi, Palu's Lanal Pier in Loli is the only submarine base outside Java. Palu Bay was chosen because of its really strategic location and configuration of its special sea lanes that cannot be found in any other bay in Indonesia and maybe even in the world.

"The sea channel of Palu Bay from the Banda Sea to Loli reaches a length of 30 kilometers with a width of 10 km and a depth of 400 meters. This is very special, so that a giant like an American carrier can enter here," he said.

It is also strategic because the distance to Malaysia is 300 kilometers and to Makassar is also 300 kilometers, so it is in the middle of two important spots in national defense tactics.

"The condition of the Palu Bay waters will not be affected by weather and climatic conditions regardless of what happened in ALKI III. So this bay is very suitable to be used as a parade for warships like the one that had been held in Manado," he said as quoted by VOI from ANTARA.

When asked how much money was disbursed and when the construction of the submarine base was completed and fully operational, Budi Utomo said he did not know because it depended on funding from the Indonesian Navy Headquarters.

"The development funds will be disbursed gradually from the Headquarters. The project is at the Headquarters, we only accept it," Budi said on the sidelines of the handover ceremony of the ship's aid from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries to fishermen from five districts in Central Sulawesi.

He also did not say how many submarines would be based at Loli Pier, but said that in the near future, the Indonesian Navy would buy three new submarines and it was possible that the ships would be stationed at the Loli base.

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