Getting Covid-19 Vaccination Ration At Anies Baswedan Office, Raisa: So Happy

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan held a COVID-19 vaccination for art workers at the DKI City Hall today. Anies continued the vaccination after the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, initiated vaccinations for art workers at the National Gallery some time ago.

One of the art workers who also received the vaccine at Anies' office was musician Raisa Andriana. Raisa said she was happy to receive the second phase of the vaccine which was targeting this group of public servants.

"Seeing that art workers now have their turn for vaccines, I am very grateful and very happy. Because I have also been waiting, the others are prioritized which are certainly far more vulnerable than us, and now we can make their turn", said Raisa at DKI City Hall, Thursday, April 22.

Vaccination brings Raisa's hope that art workers can return to work during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to her, the art world has been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, because interactions are restricted and crowds are prohibited.

Thus, concerts or activities to gather people are not possible, even though behind a concert event, many aspects are also affected.

“In my opinion, the music and art industry is one of the industries that has been badly affected by COVID-19 because it cannot hold shows or shoots. Maybe a lot of people who are impacted are not visible, because it's not just us who are on stage, but the entire industry. For example, rental of musical instruments, EOs, stage workers, security, concert cleaners, it is all affected", she said.

Continuing, comedian Denny Chandra who also received vaccinations hopes that this activity can move the wheels of the economy, especially the arts and entertainment business.

"Hopefully this is a way out for us to move the economy, especially in the field of entertainment, because art workers can work as before to produce useful works", said Deny.

Then, Anies hopes that the vaccination program, which is targeted at 30,000 doses of vaccine, will make the art industry revive. So, art workers can create works that bring benefits to society, especially to provide entertainment in the midst of a pandemic.

"We hope that with this vaccination, fellow arts workers can work more freely and can return to create creations that benefit the community because potential exposure is suppressed through vaccines and health protocol discipline", said Anies.