Kissing Strange Signs Of The Loss Of Hasyim Asy'ari's Name, Gus Din Asks Nadiem To Trace Naughty Persons At The Ministry Of Education And Culture

JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPW East Java Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) M. Teguh Cahyadin asked Nadiem Makarim to investigate the disappearance of the name of the founder of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) KH Hasyim Asy'ari in the draft Indonesian History Dictionary Volume I.

"I know this book was compiled in 2017, when Minister Nadiem was not yet Minister of Education and Culture, to be precise during the time of Mr. Muhadjir Effendy. However, it must still be investigated who is responsible, who is the compilation team, so that it doesn't happen again in the future," said Gus Din, M. Teguh's nickname, in a written statement received by journalists, Thursday, April 22.

According to Gus Din, not only NU figures, KH Hasyim Asyari was also a national figure who played a role in Indonesia's independence.

"As part of the NU extended family, I am also surprised. The dictionary will become an official dictionary that becomes a reference for all students and researchers. The founder of NU might be lost in the historical dictionary," said the grandson of the founder of NU KH. This Chasbullah Wahab.

Gus Din admitted that it was strange when the clarification from the Director General of Culture of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, Hilmar Farid, said that this book was still a draft that had not been published. He was surprised how the draft book had been circulating in the community.

Gus Din also suspects that someone within the Ministry of Education and Culture has leaked the draft of this book. Therefore, Nadiem is to investigate the matter of negligence or intentional history of the dictionary.

"I suggest that Mas Nadiem should investigate thoroughly if there are people who deliberately do this. I believe Mas Nadiem can resolve and thoroughly investigate this incident," concluded Gus Din.

Previously, the Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) clarified the issue of not including the name of the founder of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Hasyim Asy'ari in the Indonesian History Dictionary Volume I.

Nadiem admitted that he never intended to erase any traces of history by not including Hasyim Asy'ari's entry. According to him, the Indonesian History Dictionary Volume I was compiled in 2017, before he became a minister.

"To the people of Indonesia, I want to ensure that there is no intention of eliminating historical traces at all," said Nadiem through a video broadcast on his personal Instagram account, Wednesday, April 21.

Nadiem emphasized that he had ordered his staff at the Ministry of Education and Culture to perfect the preparation of the dictionary.

"I have ordered the Kemendikbud team to make improvements to the dictionary, which was interrupted, to be followed up with more technical accuracy and more accommodating input from various stakeholders, including NU," said Nadiem.

Nadiem ensured that the team in his ministry would continue to respect the historical values and struggles of national figures, including Hasyim Asyari and his successors.

"Mbah Hasyim, is a kyai, teacher and role model who has made a long history in developing education and culture in Indonesia. The Indonesian people also have the right to know the figures who contributed in establishing and building the country," he said.