Joint Operations Targeting Kampung Prone To Drugs In Mataram NTB, 8 Residents Arrested

JAKARTA - The joint operation of law enforcement officers arrested eight residents of a drug-prone village in Dasan Agung Village, Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

Mataram Police Chief Kombes Pol. Ariefaldi Warganegara explained that this action was a follow-up to complaints from people who were restless with the massive drug trafficking in Dasan Agung.

"So, following up on this public complaint, we carried out joint operations by targeting, not only users, but also targeting their airports, because we all know that this (Dasan Agung) is an area prone to drug transactions," said Kombes Pol Ariefaldi, at the location. Thursday, February 20, confiscated by Antara.

The joint police operation with the TNI and BNN carried out eight residents from three different locations according to the distribution of three teams.

"Of the eight residents that we have secured, one of them is a woman. Of these eight, there are four of them are our operational targets," he said.

The Mataram Police Chief said all residents who were detained were currently undergoing examination at the Mataram Police Narcotics Investigation Unit.

"Temporarily, we have just calculated the gross weight of the drugs that were secured, that's the type of methamphetamine, weighing 14.71 grams," he said.

Furthermore, the Mataram Police Chief said that this joint operation would run regularly by targeting other areas that are included in areas prone to drug trafficking.

"Essentially, we are committed to eradicating drug trafficking in the community, we will also take preventive measures to suppress circulation," he said.