KH Hasyim Asy'ari's Grandson, Yenny Wahid Gives A Thumbs Up To Minister Of Education And Culture Nadiem: I Appreciate It

JAKARTA - The grandson of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) founder Zannuba Ariffah Chafsoh Rahman Wahid or Yenny Wahid, gives thumbs up (praise) for the quick response made by the Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Anwar Makarim regarding the History Dictionary polemic of Volume 1.

"I appreciate Pak Nadiem for responding quickly to this problem and providing clarification and affirmation of the commitment to continue to include figures who have great service in the nation's journey in the learning materials of our students," Yenny said in a written statement in Jakarta. from Antara, Wednesday, April 21.

He appreciated the great spirit, commitment, and quick response shown by Nadiem. In fact, the preparation of the dictionary content did not actually take place in the Nadiem era.

According to Yenny, the dictionary in question came out before Nadiem became minister, so it was not under his supervision.

Yenny explained that KH Hasyim Asy'ari had a great service. One of them is to promote the Jihad Resolution. The resolution of Jihad was one of the big factors that became the beating power of the Indonesian freedom fighters against the Dutch colonialists. This contribution was fundamental to the independence of the Indonesian nation.

Yenny hopes that an immediate response will be followed by concrete steps in the form of improving history preparation through a more transparent and participatory process.

Yenny suggested that the Ministry of Education and Culture immediately withdraw the draft that was already circulating and revise its content.

"Combed all the contents again, whether there are any conflicts with our historical context. Are there any omissions of our important historical actors not included in it. Or, there are figures who are actually enemies of ideology who are opposed to Pancasila, "he said.

Through a video on his personal social media account, Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim revealed that the historical dictionary was compiled in 2017 before he took office.

"As soon as I heard about this issue, as the Minister of Education and Culture, I took concrete steps to assign the Director General of Culture to immediately resolve the problem," he said.

He admitted that he had ordered the team at the Ministry of Education and Culture to improve the dictionary, which had stalled, to be continued with more technical accuracy and more accommodating input from stakeholders, including Nahdlatul Ulama.

He also ensured that there was no intention of the Ministry of Education and Culture to erase any traces of history. "I ask for blessings so that a historical dictionary that has never been owned by this country, can be further refined together so that later it can provide benefits for all," he said.