Adhi Karya Targets New Contracts To Reach IDR 25 Trillion This Year, There Are 248 Ongoing Projects

JAKARTA - PT Adhi Karya Tbk (ADHI) is targeting additional contracts this year to reach IDR 25 trillion. Meanwhile, in 2020, the contracts obtained by Adhi Karya increased by 34 percent or IDR 19.7 trillion compared to the previous year.

"The hope is that in 2021 compared to last year, we are targeting new contracts of approximately IDR 25 trillion from several projects," said Adhi Karya President Director Entus Asnawi Mukhson, in an online seminar in Jakarta, Wednesday, April 21.

Furthermore, Entus said, until March 2021, the company had obtained a new contract of approximately IDR 3 trillion.

With the new contract target, Entus said, Adhi Karya is also aiming for an increase in revenue. He hopes that Adhi Karya's income in 2021 can increase by 25 percent to 30 percent compared to last year.

Currently, said Entus, Adhi Karya has a total of 25 national strategic projects (PSN). The project starts from the Sigli-Banda Aceh toll road, the Way Sekampung dam, the Jabodebek LRT, the Solo-Yogyakarta-NYIA toll road, the serasan integrated state border post, the Makassar-Parepare railway line, and the Way Apu Maluku dam.

"The total running projects as a whole are 248 projects with a total construction project reaching 164 projects and 33 property projects," he said.

Previously, PT Adhi Karya Tbk (ADHI) recorded a total of IDR 19.7 trillion in new contracts until December 2020. This number grew 34 percent from 2019 which was only IDR 14.7 trillion.

Adhi Karya President Director Entus Asnawi Mukhson said that the increase was triggered by the acquisition of a new contract from the Yogyakarta-Solo-NYIA Kulon Progo toll road project.

"So this has triggered an increase in the ADHI contract value in 2020," he said in a virtual discussion, Wednesday, April 21.

Meanwhile, based on the type of work, infrastructure projects dominated the acquisition of Adhi Karya's new contracts last year. The details are 56 percent of road projects, 19 percent of buildings, 18 percent of others, and 7 percent of the Integrated Moda Raya (MRT).

Meanwhile, based on the ownership segmentation, the realization of new contracts from the government contributed 44 percent, BUMN by 11 percent, investment at 40 percent, and the private sector 5 percent.