Officers Find Beautiful Caucasians In North Kuta Bali Who Has The Strategy To Paint Masks On The Faces Of The Security Guard

DENPASAR - Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkum HAM) Bali, Jamaruli Manihuruk responded to the viral video of Caucasians painting masks on their faces to outwit self-service security guards.

By painting masks, it is as if the foreign woman obeyed health protocols so that she was allowed to enter the supermarket on Jalan Subak Sari, Tibubeneng, North Kuta District, Badung Regency, Bali.

"The latest information is after the report by our officers in the field. We have found the problem, but we also want to confirm the error," said Jamaruli in his statement, Wednesday, April 21 evening.

"Because our country is a rule of law, we must act according to the law. On the one hand, we convey that there is no immigration violation, but of course it is not only the issue of immigration that we need to uphold. We have to enforce other violations," he continued.

Currently his party is coordinating with the Police, Satpol PP, Task Force for Handling COVID-19.

"So far, we have carried out raids 11 times, both before the Pergub on March 4, 2021, we have carried out raids," he explained.

"There were 120 foreigners that we acted as part of our duties together with the police, TNI, Satpol PP, Immigration or the Ministry of Law and Human Rights who carried out prokes activities," continued Jamaruli.

The behavior of foreigners in Bali has previously been in the spotlight until it went viral on social media. This foreigner painted a picture of a mask on his face and tricked a security guard at a supermarket in Bali.

The video, uploaded by an Instagram account @ denpasar.viral. In the video, you can see two foreigners, a woman and a man.

At first these two foreigners entered the supermarket but were prohibited because they did not wear masks.

Because the female foreigner did not wear a mask, finally both of them returned to the car. In the car, a woman's face is painted to resemble a mask. The two of them returned to the supermarket and managed to escape the security guard.

Meanwhile, the Head of Bali Satpol Dewa Darmadi confirmed that the video took place at a supermarket in Bali and where the foreigners lived.

"It is true that in Bali, the information is that the two of them live in Tibubeneng, North Kuta, Badung, Bali," said Darmadi, when contacted Wednesday, April 21.