Witness Of Bribery Reveals Edhy Prabowo's Resentment, Not Satisfied With The Export Permit For 139 Million Shrimp Fries, Asking To Add

JAKARTA - Former Director General of Capture Fisheries at the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), M Zulficar said, Edhy Prabowo was not satisfied with the initial quota of 139 million lobster seeds to be managed.

This statement was conveyed by Zulficar when he was a witness in the trial of the alleged bribery of fries export with the former KKP Minister Edhy Prabowo, Andreau Misanta Pribadi and Safri.

Initially, the public prosecutor (JPU) asked questions about the amount of quota provided to companies. Then Zulficar explained the rations given to each company.

"Based on a letter from the head of the research agency and human resources on April 8, it was directed to the minister describing that what could be managed was 139 million," Zulficar said during a trial at the Corruption Court in Jakarta, Wednesday, April 21.

The determination of this quota comes from the recommendation of Komnas Kajiskan (National Committee for the Study of Fish Resources) and the Marine and Fisheries Research and Human Resources Agency (BRSDM).

It's just that after the quota was determined, Edhy Prabowo seemed dissatisfied. In fact, many parties were dissatisfied, including Edhy's advisors and special staff.

"As far as I know there are many parties who are not satisfied with being the minister, part of the advisory team, then part of the team that is formed, so the minister has an advisory team there is also a team of stakeholders there is an expert staff there are special staff, some are not satisfied with this figure because they often refer to the value of the billions that should be there, "said Zulficar.

Dissatisfaction with Edhy Prabowo was evident during a coordination meeting at Widya Chandra on May 12. This is because it is said that Edhy did not accept the decision and stipulation of a quota of only 139 million fry.

"There, the minister described this as not like this, how come it seems like this is not serious for us and illustrates this is billions of how the process is like this," said Zulficar.

"So I perceive that there is dissatisfaction and some advisors describe the same thing, which means that in fact they hope that this lobster seed can provide significant economic benefits but if it is only 100 million, 139 million is not as expected because the conditions are said to be very much," he continued.

Not long after, the quantity of fry immediately changed. There was an increase to 418 million heads.

"I recently got information from the media that in September there was a new quota change where the allowable amount was 418 million. This ministerial decision was signed by the secretary general if I'm not mistaken, describing now 418 million but I don't participate in the process anymore, I just know there, "he insisted.

Edhy Prabowo was charged with accepting bribes of up to Rp25.7 billion. This bribe is related to the export license for lobster or fry.

The bribe was received by Edhy Prabowo from fry exporters through Amiril Mukminin, Safri, Ainul Faqih, Andreau Misanta Pribadi, and Siswadhi Pranoto Loe.

In his dakwan, Edhy received a bribe of 77 thousand United States (US) dollars or if converted into a current amount of Rp1,126,921,950. The acceptance of the bribe was through his staff, namely Safri and Amiril Mukminin from the owner of PT Dua Putera Perkasa Pratama (PT DPP), Suharjito.

Then, Edhy also received money amounting to Rp24,625,587,250. This money was provided by Suharjito and other exporters through his staff.

With the receipt of the bribe, Edhy was charged with violating Article 11 of Republic of Indonesia Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption as amended by Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts. Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 65 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.