On Kartini Day, Asri Welas Confided In Tears About The Pressure In The Entertainment Industry, Sri Mulyani: Must Adapt

JAKARTA - Artist and model Asri Welas revealed the condition of the entertainment industry in Indonesia which is experiencing severe pressure due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In front of the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani, the entertainer was outspoken about the current state of the national entertainment stage.

"There are so many films that cannot be shown in theaters, people are still afraid to come to the cinema. Likewise PH (production house / film-making company) no one wants to make a film, ”he said in the Talk Show: Kartini Pendobrak Change which was broadcast virtually, Wednesday, April 21.

Asri added, this of course had an impact on declining income.

"If in the past we played cinema films, then millions watched, we will get a bonus. Now that doesn't exist, "he said.

In order to get around this, many actors have ended up involved in digital series that flourished during the pandemic. However, Asri sees an imbalance in income in digital film production.

"PH-PH offers a price that cannot be changed, want to take it, do not want many others who are still queuing," he said.

Not only acting on the big screen, Asri, who also has a private dance studio, has to stop all his activities due to limiting meetings in order to maintain the health protocol set by the government.

“My dance studio is closed. But now it is being dealt with through digital teaching programs, ”he said, sobbing.

Finding this, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani tried to encourage the enthusiasm of the entertainment stage people to keep working.

"In the current pandemic, adaptations and adjustments must be made. Everything in our lives changes, ”he stressed.

The Minister of Finance also appreciated productive efforts that were transformed through digital instruments.

"What has been done by Mba Asri and other friends is proof that digital can be a solution for those who are creative and keep trying their best," said Sri Mulyani.

The Ministry of Finance itself launched from Indonesia's 262 million population, 51 percent of whom or 132.7 million people are internet users.