Inga ... Inga ... Anies Baswedan Implements Curfew For Red Zone RT In Jakarta

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan imposed a curfew for RTs with a red zone status or high risk zone for COVID-19 during micro PPKM.

In the DKI Governor's Instruction Number 23 of 2021 regarding the extension of the micro-based PPKM at the RT level, if in one RT there are more than 5 houses with positive confirmation during the last 7 days, it must limit entry and exit to the area to a maximum of 20.00 WIB.

Explaining this, Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria asked residents who entered RT with a red zone not to roam outside the house after 8:00 p.m. WIB.

"RT-RTs that are in the red zone category are not allowed to roam, crowd, leave the house. Please pay attention because we are pressing as much as possible so that the spread of COVID-19 can continue to be lowered," said Riza at the City Hall of DKI, Central Jakarta, Wednesday , April 21.

Supervision, said Riza, security officers at the local RT will close the portal to limit the mobility of residents in the area. Officers also coordinate with the COVID-19 Task Force at the RT level to control COVID-19 in their area.

"Later that will further regulate the COVID-19 Task Force at the RT level so that we can ensure that it is in accordance with the president's direction of the micro PPKM to the smallest community level, namely at the RT level," said Riza.

Even though there are curfew restrictions, restaurants and restaurants in the red zone are still allowed to operate according to the rules, namely until 22.30 WIB and resume operating at 02.00 WIB to 04.30 WIB.

"Yes, the restaurant is differentiated. That is for the sake of breaking the fast and the interests of sahur," said Riza.

Although they are still allowed to operate past 20.00 WIB in the red zone, Riza claims there will be no crowds at the restaurant. "There is no crowd. The capacity inside is set at only 50 percent," he continued.

Judging from the site, currently there are 210 RTs with red zones in Central Jakarta, South Jakarta 571 RT, East Jakarta 634 RT, North Jakarta 488 RT, West Jakarta 755 RT, and Kepulauan Seribu 1 RT.