Family Problems Are The Reason Why Rio Reifan Uses Sabu Again, This Is The Reaction Of His Former Wife

JAKARTA - Rio Reifan was arrested again by the police for abuse of the methamphetamine-type narcotics. Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Pol Yusri Yunus, revealed the chronology of Rio Reifan's arrest on Monday (19/4) yesterday at his residence in the Otista area, East Jakarta.

"We arrested RR's brother at his parents' house. At that time there was his brother. But they were in different rooms. At the time of his arrest, the evidence was in his bag," said Yusri Yunus at the Central Jakarta Metro Police, Kemayoran area, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, April 21.

BETWEEN DOCUMENTATION / Rio Reifan (center) when he was caught in a drug case in August 2019 at Polda Metro Jaya

In the bag there is evidence of crystal meth weighing 0.21 grams. At the initial inspection, RR admitted that he had just finished using it, so that the item was the remainder, "said Yusri Yunus.

To the police, Rio Reifan admitted that he returned to using methamphetamine because of family problems. "The results of the initial study showed that the initial motive was family problems and dependence on using illegal goods. We are still exploring this," said Yusri Yunus.

What family problems caused Rio Reifan to return to using methamphetamine? Flashback, Friday, April 9th, Rio reported that Sandy Tumiwa and Henny Mona had committed adultery. Rio Reifan reported Henny Mona to Polda Metro Jaya with two articles, namely Article 284 of the Criminal Code related to adultery and Article 279 of the Criminal Code regarding the prohibition of marriage if it was found that the marriage was obstructed.

Realizing that her name was linked to the arrest of her ex-husband, Henny Mona held a press conference to explain her position.

Rio Reifan's ex-wife admitted to knowing the news about Erio's arrest from the media crew. Henny Mona chose not to interfere too much with the problems that befell Rio Reifan.

"If he catches the problem, I also know it from media friends. I am concerned about it but that is the way of life he has chosen. I am here no comment because I am just not his wife anymore," said Henny Mona when met at a press conference, Tuesday, April 20. . Henny Mona admitted that he was sorry about the problems that befell Rio Reifan.