Take Note! THR Payments Are Not Regulated In The Manpower Act, But Permenaker No.6 / 2016, Here Are The Complete Rules

YOGYAKARTA - The central government through the Ministry of Manpower has asked all companies to provide holiday allowances (THR) for workers / laborers. During religious holidays. This policy is aimed at improving aspects of welfare and protection for workers.

It should be noted, the policy regarding the provision of THR is not regulated in Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower (Labor Law), but is regulated in Regulation of the Minister of Manpower Number 6 of 2016 concerning Religious Holiday Allowances for Workers / Laborers in Companies.

THR 2021 payment rules based on Permenaker No.6 / 2016

Quoted by VOI from the official website of the Ministry of Manpower, the rules regarding the payment of THR have been regulated in Permenaker No.6 of 2016, including:

1. Religious THR must be given no later than 7 days before religious holidays.

2. Religious THR payments are given to workers / laborers who have worked one month or more continuously.

3. Religious THR is also paid to workers / laborers who have a working relationship with employers based on an unspecified work agreement (PKWTT) or a fixed-time work agreement (PKWT).

4. For workers / laborers who have a continuous work period of 12 months or more, THR is given on the condition of 1 month of wages.

5. Whereas for workers / laborers who have worked for 1 month continuously, but less than 12 months, THR is given proportionally according to the calculation of the working period divided by 12 months then multiplied by 1 month of wages.

6. As for workers / laborers who work based on a daily work agreement that has worked for 12 months or more, 1 month's wages are calculated based on the average wages received during the last 12 months prior to religious holidays.

7. Meanwhile, for workers / laborers who have worked less than 12 months, 1 month's wages are calculated based on the average wages received each month during the working period.

In addition to Permenaker No.6 / 2016, the regulations regarding the 2021 THR payment are also based on the Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah Circular Number M / 6 / HK.04 / IV / 2021 regarding the Implementation of the 2021 Religious Holidays Allowance for Workers / Laborers in the Company.

This circular about THR 2021 has been sent to governors throughout Indonesia.

"The giving of the Religious THR is an obligation that must be carried out by employers to workers / laborers. The provision of Religious THR for workers / laborers is an effort to meet the needs of workers / laborers and their families in celebrating religious holidays, ”said Menaker Ida Fauziyah, quoted from the Secretariat's website, Wednesday, April 21, 2021.