Synopsis Of Kartini's Film: Dian Sastrowardoyo As A Figure Of Gender Equality

YOGYAKARTA - Synopsis of Kartini's film tells the story of Raden Adjeng Kartini's struggle in early 1900 AD to fight for women's rights, especially in obtaining higher education.

The film, which aired in 2017, was directed by Hanung Bramantyo and starred famous actors such as Dian Sastrowardoyo, Ayushita, Reza Rahardian, Acha Septriasa, Christine Hakim, and so on.

This film will be Kartini's third appearance on Screen Glass after RA's biography. Kartini (1984), and Kartini's fictional romance, Surat Cinta Untuk Kartini (2016).

Meanwhile, Kartini herself is a figure on gender equality from Jepara, Central Java and a National Hero of Indonesia. During her life, Kartini was known as a pioneer in the rise of Indigenous women of the archipelago.

Today, Wednesday, April 21, 2021 is the commemoration of Kartini Day. One way to remember Kartini's struggle in fighting for women's rights is to watch the film Kartini made by Hanung Bramantyo. The synopsis is as follows.

Synopsis of Kartini's film: Dian Sastro as a figure of gender equality

This film begins with Kartini (Dian Sastrowardoyo) who grew up seeing her mother, Ngasirah (Christine Hakim) become an outcast in her own house.

This was because Kartini's mother was not of noble descent, so she only became a maid.

Kartini's father, Raden Sosroningrat (Deddy Sutomo) who loves his daughter very much, is helpless to fight a tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation.

The film shows how Kartini struggles for the equality of men and women, especially in terms of education. It is known, in the early 1900s, women were not allowed to obtain higher education, even for the nobility.

In addition, Kartini is also depicted as a woman who likes to rebel and does not hesitate to fight against people who are against her stand.

One time, Kartini's brother, Sosrokartono (Reza Rahardian), gave the keys to his cupboard containing books before he went to the Netherlands.

Kartini then reads the book her sister gave her and her critical reasoning grows too.

It arrived at a point where Kartini invited her two sisters, namely Roekmini (Achaa Septriasa) and Kardinah (Ayushita), to establish schools for the poor and create jobs for all Jepara people.

Kartini's film is an emotional journey from the figure of Kartini who has to fight traditions that are considered sacred, even against her own family to fight for equal rights for all people in Indonesia.