Grief News From India: In The Last 24 Hours, Over 2.000 Victims Died Due To COVID-19

JAKARTA - India has reported more than 2,000 deaths from COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, the highest figure for India to date, according to Ministry of Health data on Wednesday.

Cited from Antara, Wednesday, April 21. Based on data, the daily COVID-19 infection also hit another record, namely 295.041 infections.

A total of 182.553 victims of COVID-19 died in India, with the number of cases reaching 15.6 million.

India's COVID-19 case burden is the second-highest in the world after the United States, which reported 31 million cases COVID-19.

Indian authorities are relying on COVID-19 vaccination to help curb a second wave of record spikes in cases.