DPR Asks The Government To Issue Technical Regulations To Ban 2021 Homecoming

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) Azis Syamsuddin, has asked the government to issue technical regulations regarding the Circular of the Head of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Number 13 of 2021 concerning the Elimination of Homecoming from May 6 to 17, 2021. Immediately issue technical regulations prohibiting Eid Al-Fitr 2021 homecoming, so that the regional government and security forces can arrange plans to isolation travelers", said Azis in his statement, Wednesday, April 21.

Also, Azis urged local governments to coordinate with security forces in preparing strategies to tighten the restrictions on routes passed by travelers. As well as supervising points that have the potential to become community gathering places to prevent mass crowds.

"The role of local governments is to consider closing tourist attractions during the Lebaran holidays, as an effort to limit places that become crowds of people", he said.

Given that tourist attractions will be one of the targets of the community, the Golkar politician urged residents to take advantage of the Eid holiday by doing activities at home only.

"Take advantage of technology to communicate with families as an effort to prevent and break the chain of transmission of COVID-19", said Azis.


Previously, the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy stated that local tourism objects are allowed to continue operating when the homecoming ban is an attempt by the government to balance the economic situation.


"So we are looking for the optimum point. Optimum Pareto. Don't let one of them be good, but their goodness will erode the others. Thus, we hope that the economic pulse will continue to beat”, he said in a press release in Jakarta, Tuesday, April 20.


However, the government also implements strict terms and conditions at local tourist sites. For example, a maximum of 50 percent of visitor capacity, then the health protocol disciplinary regulations must be tightened.