The DPR Does Not Want To Be Like India With The Explosion Of COVID-19 Cases, The Government Is Asked To Affirm The Prohibition Of Going Home

JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX of the DPR, Rahmad Handoyo, asked the government to reinforce the ban on going home in 2021. Rahmad hopes that people will also cooperate by not being desperate to go home before Eid.

This is so that Indonesia does not have the same fate as India because of the recent spike in cases of the COVID-19 pandemic. The increase in cases of 100,000 per day with cases dying of up to 1000 people per day has made the situation in the country of 1.38 billion people tense due to the attack of the second wave of COVID-19.

"The public is expected to be aware and willing to follow the government's advice not to go home this year. Because, if people ignore government regulations, the pandemic could explode at any time," said Rahmad, Tuesday, April 20.

Rahmad assessed that the government must firmly discourage residents who continue to go home. He suggested that village officials cooperate with state security forces to dare to prohibit travelers from entering the homecoming destination.

"If you are still determined, you will be ordered to return home," said the PDIP politician.

In addition, the central and local governments need to continue to socialize the prohibition of going home and the risks if they continue to force themselves to return to their hometowns. If the socialization is carried out massively, according to him, prospective travelers will think twice about going home this year. Moreover, there are sanctions for travelers who are rejected and mandatory isolation.

"The government must promote vigilance. Do not let the explosion of new Corona cases rise as happened in India," he said.

Even though the case in Indonesia has seen a direction of improvement, Rahmad still asks the government and the community to carry out the 5 M.

"By increasing awareness by working together, I think we can get through the pandemic. Indonesia cannot be like India," said Rahmad.