Indonesian History Dictionary Leaks And Polemic, MUI Reminds Ministry Of Education And Culture To Be Careful In Keeping Files

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) reminded the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) to be careful in keeping files or documents so they don't leak to the public and cause polemics.

This was conveyed by MUI in response to the circulation of an unofficial document entitled The Indonesian History Dictionary Volume I which was polemic because it did not include the profile of the founder of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Kiai Haji Hasyim Asy'ari. This document is circulating in soft copy or softcopy.

"If (still, red) the draft is kept. (Draft, red) do not let it leak to the public. So be careful to save the draft file," MUI Da'wah Commission Cholil Nafis told reporters, Tuesday, April 20.

According to him, the Indonesian History Dictionary which is currently circulating in public does not need to be revised because it is not intended to be published. However, he suggested that in the future the Ministry of Education and Culture be more careful in compiling a collection of historical figures.

"It does not (need to, red) be revised, because it is said that the Ministry of Education and Culture does not need to publish it. What is being revised is not published, it is just leaking. So be careful to handle the data that is still draft so that it doesn't flare up like that," he said.

Previously reported, the Director General of Culture of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Hilmar Farid, claimed that the Indonesian History Dictionary which is said to have removed the name of Hasyim Asy'ari is still in the refinement stage and has not been officially published.

Hilmar said that the Indonesian History Dictionary document circulating in the community by certain circles is a soft copy that needs improvement.

"The Indonesian History Dictionary Book Volume I has never been officially published. Unofficial documents that are deliberately circulated in the public by certain circles are softcopy (softcopy) of manuscripts that still need improvement. We have never printed the manuscript and circulated it to the public," said Hilmar. in a written statement to reporters, Tuesday, April 20.

After all, the Indonesian History Dictionary was compiled in 2017 or before Nadiem Makarim served as Minister of Education and Culture. In addition, this dictionary has not been perfected, so there are no plans for publication.

"So, I want to emphasize once again that it is impossible for the Ministry of Education and Culture to ignore the history of this nation. Moreover, the figures and their successors," he said.