Kadin Chairman Rosan Roeslani: Mutual Cooperation Vaccine Starts On The Third Week Of May, Used By Sinopharm And Sputnik

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), Rosan P. Roeslani, said the Mutual Cooperation Vaccination program will begin in the third week of May 2021.

"The vaccines that will be used are Sinopharm and Sputnik. While the implementation of the vaccines is expected to be carried out in the third week of May 2021," he said, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, April 20.

Rosan conveyed this when reporting to President Jokowi about the development of the Mutual Cooperation Vaccine program, some time ago.

On that occasion, continued Rosan, the President also expressed his hope that vaccination could be carried out immediately so as to increase trust for workers and a sense of security so that productivity was expected to return to normal.

Based on data collection on the Mutual Cooperation Vaccination program, which was opened from January 28 to April 10, 2021, Kadin noted that 17,387 companies had registered with 8.6 million people being vaccinated targets.

Previously, the President Director of PT Bio Farma, Honesti Basyir, said that his party had secured a commitment of around 35 million vaccines for the independent vaccination program or mutual cooperation of the three COVID-19 vaccine brands.

The government will use three brands of the COVID-19 vaccine for the mutual aid vaccination program, namely Sinopharm, CanSino, and Sputnik V.

In detail, Sinopharm will send 15 million doses of vaccine gradually. Meanwhile, for the Sputnik V vaccine, around 20 million doses of the Russian vaccine are planned to come to Indonesia.

The CanSino vaccine is currently in process and there have been commitments of five million doses of vaccine.