Highlighted By The Governor Of Edy About The Crowd Of People, Medan Walkot Representative: Mr. Bobby And I Are Committed To Suppress COVID-19

MEDAN - The crowd at Kesawan City Walk on the weekend is the spotlight, including the Governor of North Sumatra (Gubsu) Edy Rahmayadi. The governor, Edy, mentioned the condition of the COVID-19 red zone in Medan.

Medan Deputy Mayor Aulia Rachman has held a coordination meeting with regional apparatus organizations (OPD) related to the Kesawan City Walk issue. Aulia promised to make arrangements for visitors to Kesawan so as not to create crowds that could potentially transmit COVID-19.

"We received a lot of criticism and input from residents regarding the Kesawan City Walk which has been in the spotlight on social media, because it is crowded with residents, especially young people," said Aulia Rachman via her Instagram account quoted on Tuesday, April 20.

He emphasized the joint commitment of the Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, to reduce the number of COVID-19 cases. But Aulia Rachman emphasized that Pemko Medan also has a duty to revive the economy

"The mayor and I remain committed to reducing the number of COVID-19 spreads in Medan City. However, Pemko Medan also wants the people's economy to recover and revive during the COVID-19 pandemic, ”said Aulia Rachman.

The presence of Kesawan City Walk, called Aulia, created a new passion for MSME players in the area, to earn income after being badly hit by the corona virus outbreak.

"Therefore, the mayor emphasized that the OPD is related, the Head of Sub-district and Urban Village always coordinate and educate the public in strictly implementing the Health Protocol in Kesawan City Walk, by wearing masks and maintaining a distance," he continued.

Currently, Pemko Medan is also trying to make the same thing happen to a number of hangout and entertainment places in the city of Medan.

"So that there is no imbalance that causes social conflict in the community," continued Aulia.

Medan City is back in the red zone for the spread of COVID-19. Whereas previously, the status of Medan City had dropped to the orange zone.

From the data collected, there are currently 15 thousand cases of COVID-19 in the capital city of North Sumatra. Many factors contributed to the increase in positive cases.

In the midst of this condition, the crowd at Kesawan City Walk, who was appointed as Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution as The Kitchen Of Asia, was in the spotlight.

Meanwhile, the Governor of North Sumatra, Edy, said that the management of Kesawan City Walk must take full responsibility for any crowds at the heritage location. Edy emphasized that the rules that have been made must be obeyed.

"The organizers must be responsible. Because we have made the rules, they must be obeyed," he said.

Edy said, currently the number of COVID-19 sufferers in Medan has reached 15 thousand people.

"In Medan alone there are 15 thousand, so we can't control it yet," he said.