Eggplant For Type 2 Diabetes, It Turns Out This 'Fruit' Has Low Glycemic Index

JAKARTA - Eggplant is often mistaken for a vegetable, but it turns out that this purple food ingredient is classified as a fruit. Based on botanical science, food ingredients derived from roots, stems, and leaves are classified as vegetables.

While eggplant that has a low glycemic index is classified as a fruit because it is bred through seeds or seeds stored in the fruit. So, what is the content of eggplant so that it can be the right food choice for type 2 diabetes?

The content in eggplant

Type 2 diabetics need to eat healthy foods in the form of non-starchy vegetables, lean protein, healthy fats, and fiber-rich complex carbohydrates. If you are looking for a healthy alternative to food ingredients, then eggplant is very beneficial.

Eggplant is a member of the nightshade or Solanaceae plants. According to several studies, the nightshade plant class is not recommended for autoimmune diseases. However, the full nutritional content in eggplant cannot be ignored.

Eggplant has several types of fruit that can be identified from the skin color and shape, namely the purple, green, and cylindrical striped eggplant. The sizes also vary but have almost the same taste. The taste is faintly sweet and slightly bitter.

Launch VerywellHealth, Tuesday, April 20, in 2 ounces of the whole eggplant contains 137 calories, 0.986 grams of fat, 32.2 grams of carbohydrates, 16.4 grams of fiber, and 5.37 grams of protein. Eggplant is cholesterol-free and contains no sodium.

Most importantly for people with type 2 diabetes, eggplant is low on the glycemic index so it doesn't make blood sugar spike as fast as consuming simple carbohydrates.

Eggplant is also rich in antioxidants, potassium, potassium, essential minerals. The electrolyte content in eggplant is also useful for preventing stroke, high blood pressure, and increasing mineral density in bones.

How to prepare eggplant

Nutrition experts suggest that in cooking or processing eggplants do not need to be peeled. Because a lot of fiber content will be wasted when peeled. Well, you need to choose an eggplant that is shiny, not cracked, and has a deep color.

Illustration of cutting eggplant (Unsplash / Usman Yousaf)

After buying eggplant, you can store it in the refrigerator for a maximum of 7 days. You can process it in various ways, for example, roasting or boiling it. What you need to watch out for when frying eggplants because they have a spongy texture that can absorb oil.

What dishes do you like best? Eggplant can also be processed with various typical Indonesian spices, such as curry, rendang, stews, stir-fry, and Balado. It's just that, pay attention to the safe amount and proper cooking method when mixing it with coconut milk.