Rio Reifan Was Arrested By The Police Again Even Though He Was Just Released From Prison

JAKARTA - As if he never gave up, Rio Reifan was again arrested by the police on Monday, April 19. In fact, he just got out of prison for the same case. This arrest is Rio's third arrest.

Rio Reifan has been arrested several times for narcotics cases. Noted, three times he languished behind bars. First, in 2015, he had to serve 14 months in prison. Then, in 2017 Rio was arrested again for holding a meth party at a nightclub in West Jakarta.

Then in 2019, Rio was arrested again. In this case, Rio was sentenced to 20 months in prison. Head of Public Relations of Police Jakarta, Kombes Pol Yusri Yunus confirmed that Rio was arrested with methamphetamine evidence. "That's true meth", said Yusri Yunus when contacted, Tuesday, April 20.

Yusri has not provided further information about the details of Rio's arrest. Clear information will usually be made when the police release the case to the media.

Rio actually has not been active back to work in entertainment yet. Once released, the first thing he did was report Sandy Tumiwa and Henny Mona to the police.

Sandy Tumiwa and Henny Mona announced their series marriage on March 12. At that time the divorce process for Henny and Rio Reifan was not finished. So Rio reported their actions as acts of adultery.

Rio Reifan also asked for goods that are his right to be returned. "Because I have no more choice, I have tried various methods. As a family, I have still retained my home certificate, passport, diploma, and certificate. I think that rather than dragging on, I will continue to do so, return my rights", said Rio Reifan, April 9.