Ministry Of Transportation Updates PIP Makassar Education System

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation continues to update the education system, teaching patterns and uses the latest technology of the Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Makassar (PIP) so that it is at the forefront of producing seafarer human resources that can be absorbed by the work industry.

"Even though he is the oldest polytechnic, the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi continues renewing the PIP Makasar education system so that it has quality", said the Director of PIPMKS Capt. Sukirno was quoted as saying by Antara, Tuesday, April 20.

It was said that it was founded from 1921 to 1946 PIP Makassar was given the name Sekolah Pelayaran Dasar, then in 1946-1947 it was called Opleiding Scheep-vaart School Celebes (OSSC), and changed back in 1947- 1950 which was named Meddelbare Zeevaart School (MZS).

at the time of independence, 1950-1964 it was named the Latihan Penyebrangan Laut Sulawesi School, 1964-1972 it became the Pelayaran Makassar School (SPM), in 1972-1983 it became the Pelayaran Menengah Ujung Pandang School (SPM.UP), then in 1983-1999, it became the Balai Pendidikan dan Latihan Pelayaran (BPLP-UP).

"Last 1999 until now it has been the Makassar Shipping Science Polytechnic. In the last five years, our school has grown very rapidly, especially since the central government has provided support for the advancement of our educational institutions", he said.

According to him, the absorption of graduates in the world of work can be grateful that PIPMKS is the target of the industry to obtain human resources (SDM) of seafarers and other personnel in the shipping sector, not only domestically but also internationally. So that this can be quite a large income for foreign exchange for the country.

"Indeed, this application is not done all at once after graduation, but usually a few months after graduation, and a maximum of six months many have entered the industry, even within a year of graduation 100 percent have entered the world of work", he said.

The ability of cadets to speak English at PIP Makassar is not a cause for concern, because currently, the majority of cadets in polytechnics are millennials who are used to even fluent in English.

"Not only that, but the English teaching group also always makes breakthroughs that make cadets able and like the language of the world", he said.

The number of teachers at PIP Makassar consists of civil servants and non-civil servants, the number of which is more than 160 teachers with the ratio of teachers by the stipulated provisions. Teachers at PIP Makassar are currently using the latest curriculum equipped with current information technology.