Indonesian Citizen From East Java Tortured By Employer In Malaysia, Unpaid Salary

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur is coordinating with the D3 Police Unit in Raja Malaysia (PDRM) to rescue an Indonesian citizen from East Java who is suspected of being tortured by his employer.

"After receiving reports from the people of the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, they acted quickly again to save the PLRT in coordination with the PDRM D3 Unit. This is only three days after the rescue case for the torture of a PLRT from West Java," said the Coordinator of the Social and Cultural Affairs of the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Yoshi Iskandar in Kuala Lumpur quoted Antara, Monday, April 19.

Yoshi said that in less than one day the PDRM D3 Unit took action and succeeded in rescuing a 23-year-old female PLRT citizen from East Java who was suspected of being a victim of abuse by a Malaysian employer.

"The PDRM D3 Unit on April 19, 2021 in the morning, headed to a location around Kuala Lumpur to carry out rescue operations on the victim and bring the victim for medical examination and treatment to the victim on the suspicion of being the result of mistreatment by the perpetrator," he said.

According to Yoshi, PDRM has also arrested the perpetrators of the persecution.

"From initial indications, the victim had worked for the employer for one year and four months and was suspected of having suffered several times of torture in the form of beatings in several parts of her body using blunt objects by the perpetrator, assisted by a PLRT," he said.

While working, said Yoshi, he had never received the salary he was entitled to.

"It is also suspected that the victim was not given access to telephone use and did not even give the opportunity to leave the house," he said.

Cases of torture against Indonesian domestic workers continue to occur. The last two cases are Adelina Lisao and Mei Harianti, who were severely tortured by their employers, plus the disclosure of another new case in the Sri Petaling area that happened to the victim, a PLRT from West Java, three days ago.

"The Indonesian Embassy will continue to oversee and ensure the enforcement of justice for victims of torture against PLRT. The phenomenon of violation of the rights of migrant workers, especially the household sector, is like an iceberg phenomenon, which may be revealed to be only a small part," he said.

So far, he said, the Indonesian Embassy through access to existing communication channels, has been very open to receiving public reports that have helped reveal cases of abuse or other violations of workers' rights such as unpaid salaries for Indonesian Migrant Workers.

The concern of the Indonesian people for the condition of PMI in Malaysia is very high with the spirit of mutual help and intensive communication with the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur.

"The Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur will continue to monitor and provide assistance on this case to ensure that the legal process is in effect and that the rights concerned are fulfilled," said Yoshi.