Controlling The Use Of Gadgets In Children For Healthy Development

JAKARTA - In today's digital era, limiting the use of gadgets in children is a challenge for parents. The use of uncontrolled electronic devices can have a negative impact on children's development, both academically, socially, and mentally healthy.

Therefore, it is important for parents to establish clear rules in the use of gadgets so that children continue to benefit without experiencing excessive dependence.

Child and family psychologist, Sani B. Hermawan from the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia, suggested that parents wisely control the use of child gadgets, not consider them as enemies who must be completely avoided.

According to Sani, gadgets are currently part of the children's education and social interaction processes, so banning them in total is not the right solution.

"Gudget is not an enemy, but a tool that needs to be used wisely. If it is used for school purposes, you should provide support," Sani was quoted as saying by ANTARA.

However, the problems that often arise are distraction caused by gadgets. Children who initially use electronic devices to do school assignments can be tempted to play games or access other entertainment.

To overcome this, Sani suggested that parents make agreements with their children regarding the schedule for using gadgets for learning and playing, including setting clear time limits.

Thus, children can still enjoy using gadgets without feeling too restrained, while parents can still ensure their use is within reasonable limits.

In implementing this rule, Sani also recommends the "push and pull" technique, which is to give confidence to children but continue to supervise.

"Parents should not just believe when their children say they have completed the task. They still have to monitor the process and the final result," he added.

Regarding the age limit for children who may use gadgets, Sani explained that elementary school-age children can be allowed to use electronic devices to support learning needs and social interactions.

However, he stressed that parents must continue to limit and strictly monitor their use.

"Like games, gadgets also require rules of the game. Without clear rules, their use can get out of control. With a clear agreement between parents and children, the use of gadgets can be healthier and more balanced," concluded Sani B. Hermawan.