Ukrainian Designer Creates Biodegradable Faux Fur From The Hemp Plant

JAKARTA - Along with the growing opposition to the use of animal hair, as well as the controversy over synthetic fur made from chemical products and petroleum. Design houses in Ukraine were able to create synthetic fur made of hemp.

It was DevoHome, a design house based in Kyiv, Ukraine that made this breakthrough. The fabric is woven using hemp and viscose fibers on a cotton pad, making it animal and plastic free. Plants are also grown organically without pesticides and herbicides.

"The whole world is protesting against animal hair and then starting to protest against synthetic fur, which is made from chemical products and petroleum. So, by creating vegetable fur, we solve all these problems with animal and synthetic hair," said Oksana Devoe, launching Euronews Monday, April 19 .

"It's different from synthetic fur, very simple, only vegetable, biodegradable. So, this new fur is even cotton-based. You can also dig it underground and it will break down by itself very soon," he continued.

The fact that clothes are made from the hemp plant has helped increase the popularity of the fabric with designers who have made fur coats and jackets out of hemp fur.

Cannabis cultivation illustration. (Unsplash / @ newhighmediagroup)

Interestingly, he added, although some people are concerned about the cannabis leaf logo being used, they still support and use hemp. Those who make clothes from fabrics say, they are easier to work with than synthetic fibers, too.

"The first time when I unrolled it, I was very emotional. It smells very pleasant," said tailor Halyna Zeldych.

"It feels very good in my hand. It causes less allergies when cutting or sewing, compared to working with synthetic textiles," continued Zeldych.

This eco-friendly material made its debut at last year's Ukraine Fashion Week and is a huge hit with animal rights designers and campaigners.

Oleksandr Todorchuk, founder of the animal rights charity UAnimals, said people in Ukraine are ready to support ending animal hair.

"57 percent of Ukrainians say they support a ban on fur farming and an end to animal hair. So, in principle, most Ukrainians are ready for that," he said.