6 Ministers Considered Eligible To Replace By Jokowi

JAKARTA - The issue of reshuffle volume 2 is increasingly narrowing to target the names of ministers of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet. Information circulating, there are six names of President Jokowi's aides who will be removed.

However, the names are still confusing. So who is the most worthy to be reshuffled by the President?

Political observer Karyono Wibowo assessed that currently, Indonesia needs ministers whose performance is extraordinary amid extraordinary challenges. These challenges include facing the industrial revolution 4.0 as well as the extraordinary conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to Karyono, the minister who deserves to be reshuffled is the Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo.

"This requires an extraordinary capacity of the minister's performance, therefore some ministers who are not good enough, for example, the minister of agriculture, can also be reshuffled", said Karyono when contacted by VOI, Monday, April 19.

Karyono assessed that the role of the minister of agriculture is very important, especially in making the food sector strategic.

"This is how to have a minister who can realize agricultural sovereignty so that we have food security, not imports. Then agricultural commodities must be at least surplus, not imports, this is important. So it's not just changing ministers but no progress is the same if you keep on importing", he explained.

The Executive Director of the Indonesia Public Institute considers that the Minister of Agriculture must also pay attention to the fate of the farmers. What is the ministry's policy that protects farmers both in life and their rights as farmers?

"The number of our farmers is decreasing over time. That must also be a serious concern of the minister of agriculture", he said.

Second, According to him, the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency Sofyan A Djalil, the policy is not enough just to distribute certificates.

"This is vital for national land. Soekarno said that justice rights to land are like trees without roots, building buildings without foundations. So it's not just giving away certificates, but how to fulfill the obligations of citizens that every citizen has land rights and must be protected from the hands. industry", continued Karyono.

Third, namely the Minister of Trade Muhammad Lutfi. According to him, Lutfi really deserves to be removed because his policy is only concerned with a handful of groups. Lutfi's name is also referred to as a minister who deserves to be replaced.

"Minister of Trade Lutfi, if he does not have an independent policy, a national product protection policy I think he deserves to be replaced", said Karyono.

"If it only benefits a handful of people, just be a businessman outside, there is no need to be a minister. Because the minister's job is to benefit and the welfare of the Indonesian people. The policy should not only be concerned with the interests of a handful of people", but he also said.

The fourth is the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Areas and Transmigration Abdul Halim Iskandar. "The Ministry of Health is also underperforming, it needs to be reshuffled", he said.

Minister of Village, according to Karyono, is also very vital because the population of many people in Indonesia lives in rural areas. Then as a source of food, energy sources, and even customs, sources of resources are from the village.

"There needs to be a revolutionary policy for the welfare of the village community and building village independence. If the village is strong, the country is strong. The village community is prosperous, the urban community is also prosperous. In my opinion, the minister needs to be evaluated", said Karyono.

Fifth is the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Tjahjo Kumolo. According to him, Tjahjo is more suitable to lead the Ministry of Home Affairs which is now occupied by Tito Karnavian.

"Minister Tjahjo is certainly needed even though his performance is not yet optimal. Actually, Tjahjo is more suitable to be the minister of home affairs", said Karyono.

Meanwhile, the six Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian, who is considered more suitable to fill the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform post.

"Tito, who has a background as a former National Police Chief, has succeeded in dealing with terrorism. Security issues certainly have experience in the field of investigation. I think this is precisely the case at Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform, wherein the middle of the increasing number of civil servants who are exposed to the ideology of religious extremism", Karyono explained.

"It fits there, Tito. It's better to just switch it, maybe it's more fitting, the movement can be faster as expected by the president", he continued.

There is also the Minister of Communication and Informatics, Johnny G Plate who is deemed inadequate in his ability to lead the ministry.

"Even though it is not too bad but the work is still normal, not extraordinary. If you want to evaluate it, it is suitable for the reshuffle, maybe it is shifted where it suits his ability. He is a businessman, the House of Representatives in Commission XI in the field of economic finance, he can also to the ministry of economy. For example, the Trade Minister replaces Lutfi. That is more correct", said Karyono.