Losing Hundreds Of Millions Due To Being Fooled By Friends, Della Puspita Demands Money To Be Returned

JAKARTA - Della Puspita demanded that the DP money that had been given by 20 prospective Umrah pilgrims amounting to Rp390 million to a travel TW company owned by her friend, A, be returned. She felt that she did not accept it because the money that had been given to the company was worship money from many people. "On the 31st end, I don't want to accept any guarantees, which I gave money, please return the money, this is money for worship," said Della Puspita in the Bekasi area, West Java, Tuesday, January 28. Della is reluctant to be dragged into this problem considering that she participated in promoting this travel company to 18 other prospective Umrah pilgrims. "I am not a shelter, I don't want to be caught in another case, the car is still in installments, I'm still easing, when I was told to sell later, then Della Puspita will be involved in the case of a fraudulent car again," he continued. Della and her husband, Arman Wosi firmly said that they would report if A until January 31 did not show good faith.

"Report. He asked for time until 31, if the 31 person concerned did not complete according to what was conveyed to me, yes, like it or not, I have to report it," said Della. She will try to gather other victims who are suspected of being deceived by A as witnesses in this case. "And I will definitely gather other friends, right now I only invite my closest friends, there are many others," he said.