Police Interrogate 2 Witnesses In Cases Of Household Members Who Claim To Be Held By Desiree Tarigan And Bams Ex Samsons

JAKARTA - The police are examining 2 witnesses in the case of ART who claim to have been held captive by Desiree Tarigan and her son, Bams ex Samsons.

"Yes, yesterday I told you that there were two clarifications that have been made because this is still an investigation, plus one more so there is one. Today we plan to summon two more witnesses to clarify, "said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Monday, April 19.

According to Yusri, the police will summon two more witnesses tomorrow, Tuesday, April 20. After that, clarification will be made by summoning the four people reported.

"Later, when all of them are complete, the evidence is all there, then we will conduct the case title to increase whether or not we have to go up to the level of fingerprints. It depends on the two pieces of evidence that are suspected, "continued Yusri.

Previously, a woman named Irni reported that a member of the Hotma Sitompul family was suspected of confining someone or taking away someone's independence.

The alleged confinement was said to have occurred on February 24. The reason Irni was being held was because he reported a conversation via WhatsApp Group.

Reporting is registered under the number LP / 1839 / IV / YAN.2.5 / 2021 / SPKT PMJ dated April 6, 2021. There were four people reported in this case, namely Vino, Prianka Reguna Bukit, Bambang Reguna Bukit, and Desiree Tarigan.

In that report, the reported parties are reported under Article 333 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 30 of Law (UU) Number 19 of 2016 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE). That article is related to deprivation of liberty and / or accessing other people's electronic data without permission.