Only Donald Trump, The President Of The US, Has Tried To Accuse China Of Genocide In The Ethnic Uighurs

JAKARTA - Donald Trump is at the forefront of condemning China's treatment of ethnic Uighur Muslims. The President of the United States (US) views China as violating human rights. Trump revealed that ethnic Uighurs were forced to use Chinese. Ethnic Uighurs while wanting to be eliminated in Chinese history.

The arrests of ethnic Uighurs who rebelled were carried out. Some were tortured, some were killed in concentration camps. Trump was furious, no joke. He became one of the leaders who publicly criticized China for committing genocide to the Uighur ethnicity.

Life as part of the ethnic minority is not easy. They must be able to mingle and absorb the diversity of the majority in a country. Amongness arises if the adaptation process does not work. Frictions often occur.

Many ethnic minorities have failed to adapt and live while not recognized as citizens. Their basic rights were violated. The narrative was clearly displayed on ethnic Uighurs in Xinjiang, China. At first the Uighur ethnicity lived peacefully in Xinjiang. However, the Chinese Communist Party saw differently.

Xinjiang is considered a field for a livelihood from Ethnic Han, which is the majority of China. Ethnic Han began to migrate a lot to Xinjiang from 1950 to 1990. The presence of Han ethnicity made ethnic Uighurs marginalized.

They often get injustice. In fact, Ethnic Uighurs were forced to use Chinese for everyday life. There were many protests. They asked for justice. However, the protests were considered by the Chinese Communist Party as a treason attempt.

Anyone protesting will be chased. They will be arrested, tortured, and thrown into concentration camps. Big protests ensued in 2009. The protest took many lives from the Uighurs.

At its peak, the Chinese Communist Party began issuing a new Anti-Terrorism Law in 2014. The target is clear that ethnic Uighurs are accused of being radicals. Arrests have become more common. Not to mention that many places of worship, many Uighurs Mosques were destroyed, or changed functions.

The situation will worsen significantly over the coming year. The Chinese Communist government while turning Xinjiang into a police country and hundreds of thousands of Uighurs are gradually locked up in concentration camps for what they call transformation through education (despite torture).

Others have been thrown in prison or removed. Witness reports about life in camps and detention centers not only tell about unhealthy living conditions, but also about routine violence, torture and brainwashing, "said Gene A. Bunin as written on The Guardian's website entitled We're a People Destroyed: Why Uighur Muslims Across China are Living in Fear (2017).

China's actions against the Uighur ethnicity provoke the condemnation of the world's population. They asked China to immediately end injustice to the Uighur ethnicity. However, violent protests actually emerged from Donald Trump.

President Trump, who usually does not escape controversial acts, is actually considered meritorious by condemning China. No country has the courage to be tough on China, even Muslim-majority countries do not dare to go to the Bamboo Curtain country. Trump actually brought the US as a supporter of the Uighur ethnic existence.

Trump's Real Action was to immediately issue an order to limit the visas of Chinese officials believed to be involved in the Uighur ethnic torture. Trump also immediately blacklisted dozens of companies and agencies in China from 2019.

The peak of Trump's defense of the Uighurs comes through the US stance that China has committed genocide in Xinjiang. Humanitarian crimes are ongoing in Xinjiang, he said. Trump revealed the decision a few days before he stepped down from office.

Trump's action to support the Uighur ethnic group provoked praise from many countries. Praise was also revealed by them ethnic Uighurs who were studying in the US. Trump's courage is considered to have represented all ethnic Uighurs and many countries who hate China's inhumane treatment. This bold attitude is the last important legacy of Donald Trump's administration before being taken over by Joe Biden.

The move is expected to be the Trump administration's last action against China, which was carried out on its final day. The move was the culmination of years of debate over how to punish what many consider the worst human rights abuses in decades.

The relationship between the two countries AS and China-- has deteriorated over the past four years, and the new findings add to the long list of tension points. Foreign policy officials and experts across the US political spectrum say China will be the biggest challenger to any government over the years or decades to come," Edward Wong and Chris gagasan said on The New York Times website entitled U.S. Says China s Repression of Uighurs Is Genocide (2021).