Anteraja Courier Service Business Raised 841 Percent During The Pandemic
JAKARTA - Anteraja's end-to-end logistics business is said to have succeeded in earning IDR794.72 billion in revenue throughout 2020. The incision shot up 841.99 percent compared to the 2019 period which was recorded at IDR 84.37 billion.
Quoting the company's official broadcast, it was revealed that the performance of Anteraja during the pandemic last year supported 24.71 percent of the total revenue of PT Adi Sarana Armada Tbk, which is the parent entity that runs Anteraja's business.
For information, Adi Sarana Armada, which has the ticker code ASSA, is a company engaged in the logistics transportation mobility business and its supports. This corporation has three main business pillars, namely the mobility business (rental, driver services, car-sharing), auction business (JBA and Caroline), and end-to-end logistics (logistics and transit).
ASSA President Director Prodjo Sunarjanto said that Anteraja's achievement last year was a big achievement considering that the service had only been operating for less than two years.
"At the end of 2020, Anteraja contributed 24.71 percent to ASSA's total revenue, which is the second-largest contribution after the rental business", he said Monday, April 19.
According to Prodjo, this figure has increased significantly compared to 2019, where Anteraja's contribution was only 3.45 percent of ASSA's total income.
"Of course all ASSA's proceeds in 2020 will also be supported by a solid performance from other business lines such as rentals and auctions", he said.
In general, ASSA managed to close last year with an income of IDR3, 04 percent. This figure jumped 30.12 percent year-on-year (YoY) from the 2019 period which amounted to IDR 2.33 trillion.
ASSA's revenue growth was supported by the stable performance of each line of business, such as the auction business which increased by 21.75 percent, the logistics business grew by 22.81 percent, and the rental business experienced growth by 1.17 percent.
For information, ASSA is a business entity controlled by PT Adi Dinamika Investindo with a majority share ownership portion of 25.08 percent or equivalent to 851.95 million shares of the company. Meanwhile, Adi Dinamika Investindo is controlled by senior businessman Theodore Permadi Rachmat aka TP Rachmat.