Beware Of Debt Through Illegal Loan, You Can Get In Debt!

JAKARTA - Online loan offers (pinjol) that can disburse funds quickly often make people tempted. However, the offer can be a trap that can trap a person into an endless loop of debt.

On the other hand, a borrower must also be able to measure the interest and time of repayment. Not long ago the Financial Services Authority (OJK) found a borrower in more than 40 fintech lenders in just one week without thinking about the risk of payment.

"In fact, we found several cases of a consumer borrowing more than 40 fintech in one week," said Tirta Segara as Member of the Board of Commissioners for Consumer Protection at the OJK on Monday, April 19.

OJK discovered this incident when someone complained to OJK because they felt they were disadvantaged because they borrowed from fintech. He also admitted that he was unable to pay off the loan so he asked for help from the OJK to find a solution.

Tirta also added that borrowing through loan is fairly easy. The borrower only needs to lightly touch his finger on the cellphone screen. Loans can also be disbursed immediately in a short time.

However, this can trap and harm the community itself if borrowing money is beyond the borrower's ability to pay. As a result, the borrower will be caught in a debt loop so that he cannot repay the loan. The borrower will also face debt collectors if he is unable to pay it.

"So we conclude that there is a group of people who are not wise in borrowing from a loan. They borrow beyond their means, ”said Tirta.

The flip side of online lending is the high interest rates. OJK applies an interest for loans of 0.8 percent per day. If within 30 days, the interest will double to 24 percent in one month.

Of course, it is very different from a loan to a bank which provides 24 percent interest in one year and not in one month as the loan interest rate. Therefore, people have to rethink if they want to borrow money from loan because it is very risky to get caught in the vortex of debt.