Raffi Ahmad Gandeng Park Eun Seok To Hong Soo Ah For Tennis Tanding Again Tennis

JAKARTA - Raffi Ahmad again presents Tennis after 2023 has experienced success. But this year, Raffi Ahmad will invite South Korean celebrities to participate. "Once again, our Tennis starts something more than yesterday. We are trying to be international, so what I was against Desta and others, but now we are united, we feel like we are the athletes bringing the country's name against artists who are still athletes from Korea. So Indonesia is against Korea," said Raffi Ahmad in a press release quoted by VOI, Thursday, January 23. Not only as a friendly event, Raffi also hopes that this event will be a form of cultural exchange between Indonesia and Korea. "Many good effects for the future. Those artists will come here to see how sports in Indonesia, their culture is good and our cooperation with Korea is also getting better," he continued. Being a characteristic of RANS, Again International Tennis will be present on a larger scale, involving cross-border celebrities, and will become a new momentum in the world of sports entertainment in Indonesia. Andre Taulany and Sheryl Sheinafia will guide the course of the event which will be held on Sunday, February 9 at Tennis Indoor Senayan Jakarta. The composition of players for this match, the Indonesian camp will be strengthened by Raffi Ahmad, Nagita Slavina, Desta Mahendra, Nia Ramadhani, and also Dikta Wicaksono. They will compete against South Korean stars such as Park Eun Seok, Hong Soo Ah, Choi Woong, Jung Ha Young, and Tae Yun.

Berikut Format Pertandingan:1. Mixed Doubles:mengah Raffi Ahmad & Nia Ramadhani vs. Park Eun Seok & Hong Soo Ah2. Mixed Doubles:men Desta & Nagita Slavina vs. Choi Woong & Jung Ha Young3. Mens Singles:men Dikta Wicaksono vs. Tae Yun Lebih-lagi Tennis Internasional juga akan memberikan pengalaman segar kepada penonton dengan menghadirkan banyak artis dan performer yang membuahkan suasana. Tidak hanya, sosok mystery guest yang telah disiapkan akan menjadi kejutan yang hanya bisa diketahui pada hari pelaksanaan.