West Bandung Social Assistance Case, KPK Summons 28 People For Questioning Information

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) summoned 28 people to be questioned as witnesses.

This was done to investigate allegations of corruption related to the procurement of emergency response goods for the COVID-19 pandemic at the Social Service for the Regional Government of West Bandung Regency in 2020.

Dozens of people will be examined as witnesses for the inactive West Bandung Regent, Aa Umbara Sutisna, who is a suspect in this case.

"The investigation was carried out at the Cimahi Police Office, Jalan Jenderal H. Amir Machmud No.333, Central Cigugur, Central Cimahi District, Cimahi City, West Java Province," said Acting KPK spokesman for the field of prosecution Ali Fikri in his written statement, Monday, April 19. .

Those being questioned were Maman Sulaiman as Assistant II for Development and Economy of the Regional Secretariat for West Bandung Regency Government, Rini Rahmawati as Finance Staff of CV Bintang Pamungkas, two private parties named Rian Firmansyah and Asep Lukman Hermawan, and one named Mitha Irniansyah.

Not only that, the KPK also summoned an entrepreneur named Kokon Risman Wiguna, Deputy Director of PT Jagat Dirgantara and Finance CV. Center for Vegetables Garden City Lembang, Gina Tresnawati Utama, PNS or Head of the PUPR Office of West Bandung Regency Government Rachmat Danang Sya Benefits, Deputy Director of CV Jayakusuma Cipta Mandiri Dida Garinda .

Then, the anti-gas commission investigators also summoned a civil servant named Imam Santoso Mulyo, Nani Setia Ningsih Taking Care of the Household, Priyo Nugroho as a Civil Servant or Expenditure Treasurer at the West Bandung Regency Social Service, Asep Cahyadinata as President Director of PT Jagat Dirgantara, Yusup Sumarna as Director of CV Sentral Vegetable Garden City, and Hardy Febrian Sobana, Employees of CV Jaya Kusuma Ciptamandiri and CV Satria Jakatamilung.

Next, the examination will also be carried out on Anang Widianto PNS at the PUPR Office of the West Bandung Regency Government, Candra Kusumawijaya PNS at the Head of Maintenance in the Binamarga Field of the PUPR Office of the West Bandung Regency Government, Aan Sopian Gentina as a civil servant at the West Bandung Regency PUPR Service At the West Bandung Regency Health Office, Tuty Heriyaty PNS at the Head of SDK, West Bandung Regency Government Health Office and Kamaluddin as the Regent's adjutant.

Furthermore, the Corruption Eradication Commission also examined Diane Yuliandari as a civil servant or the Head of the Sub-Section for Verification of the Finance Section at the Secretariat of the Regional Representative Council of Bandung Barang, Denny Indra Mulyawan as an entrepreneur, Donih Adhy Heryady as an employee of PT Jagat, Dir Gantara, General Administration Section, Heri Partomo, Head of the West Bandung Regency Social Service Asep Saefudin Director of CV Satria Jakatamilung, Rerry Sri Rezeki PNS at the West Bandung Regency PUPR Service and Erni Susianti PNS or Head of Subdivision Program and Finance at the West Bandung Regency PUPR Service.

Not yet known the examination material of the 28 people. However, they are suspected of knowing about the alleged corruption in the provision of social assistance in West Bandung.

Previously reported, the KPK named three suspects in the case of alleged corruption in the procurement of emergency response goods for the COVID-19 pandemic at the Social Service for West Bandung Regency, West Java in 2020.

The three suspects, namely the Regent of West Bandung 2018-2023 Aa Umbara Sutisna (AUS), Andri Wibawa from the private sector / children from Aa Umbara, and the owner of PT Jagat Dir Gantara (JDG) and CV Sentral Vegetable Garden City Lembang (SSGCL) M Totoh Gunawan (MTG).

In this case, Aa Umbara is suspected of receiving Rp.1 billion. Meanwhile, the child who also received the procurement project received a profit of Rp. 2.7 billion and M. Totoh Gunawan received Rp. 2 billion.