Panorama Properti Sends AJB To Consumers And Presents Balinese Style Bamboo Villas

JAKARTA - In order to realize the commitment and maintain consumer confidence, Panorama Properti started to deliver the Sale and Purchase Deed (AJB) document directly, on Monday, April 12, 2021 then to consumer representatives who have completed the payment of the unit.

Chief Corporate Service of Panorama Properti, Edy Surono, explained that this was done as proof that his party has fully held its commitment and fulfilled its promises to consumers since the beginning of the project.

"The handover of AJB is a form of our commitment to consumers. Evidence that we fulfill our promise," said Edy, in his written statement, Monday, April 19.

In addition, Edy revealed, legality is the main thing that is the focus of Panorama Properti to continue to strive for the best in terms of safety and comfort of consumer ownership.

Apart from handing over AJB to consumers, Panorama Properti also launched the "Panorama Bamboo Village", a Balinese-style bamboo villa which does not use woven bamboo but stacked bamboo surrounded by glass to make the room appear wider and more open. That way guests can enjoy the view and landscape in the yard of this bamboo villa.

Panorama Bamboo Village has 2 types, namely Luxury and Tiny, where both are facilitated by a bathtub. Tiny uses a planting bathtub and luxury uses a standing bathtub.

Other differences exist in the roof model, the size of the land and the building. For Luxury Bamboo Village, the land area is 72m2 and a building area of 26m2, accompanied by an outdoor kitchen. As for Tiny Bamboo Village, the land area is around 60m2 and the building area is 16m2.

Meanwhile, Director of Operation Panorama Properti Muchlis Galigo explained that the construction of a bamboo villa show unit is to give consumers an idea of the quality and facilities contained in the property that the company manages.

Muchlis added, this bamboo villa show unit is also expected to answer the curiosity of consumers who previously only saw the design of the villa building and interior in the 3D version.

In terms of price, Marketing Director of Panorama Properti Okie added, the price of this bamboo villa is very, very affordable, where for the Luxury type it is sold at a normal price of IDR 299 million. And for the Tiny type, the normal price is under IDR 150 million (all fully furnished).

"Interestingly, we made this bamboo villa not only for segments A and A + but also for millennials who are interested in investing in the property path. They can easily own this Balinese Style Bamboo Villa. Because there is a SUKA-SUKA DP & CICIL program, even without a down payment. You can immediately install it, "said Okie.

Not only at bamboo villas, Panorama Properti is even pursuing the development of Panorama Hydroponics which also has various payment schemes that can be an option for consumers.

Moreover, the products offered by Panorama Properti are productive properties that can provide additional income for consumers with mutually beneficial cooperation schemes.

The Panorama Bamboo Village area (bamboo villas) and Panorama Hidroponics (hydroponic garden) are not just places to relax and garden, but also become income generators for the owners.

From the bamboo villa, the owner can get income from renting the bamboo villa unit, and the owner of Panorama Hidroponik from selling his commodities. Hospitality itself is fully managed by the professional sister company Panorama Properti.