Ministry Of Transportation Targets Tanah Abang Station To Operate Only Before Eid Al-Fitr 2025

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) through the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) targets Tanah Abang Station which will only be soft launching before Eid Al-Fitr 2025.

The Director General of Railways at the Ministry of Transportation, Risal Wasal, ensured that the station could serve passengers before the Eid 2025 transportation period.

"God willing, before fasting or Eid, before Eid, we will make it official. Before Eid, we will make it official. That's a new thing, (serving) passengers, operating, soft launching. Before the Eid transportation period," he said when met at the Ministry of SOEs Office, Jakarta, Tuesday, January 21.

Regarding the construction of the station that seemed fast, Risal ensured it was safe. He stressed that it is impossible for the Ministry of Transportation to sacrifice the safety aspect of passengers.

"It's been (the construction). If it becomes safe. If it's not safe, we won't operate it. It's impossible for us to sacrifice it. It must be safe," he said.

Launching Instagram social media @ditjenperapian, the progress of the Tanah Abang Station construction is getting closer to completion. The construction of this station continues to be accelerated to improve public transportation services.

As of January 2025, the construction of Tanah Abang Station phase 1 has reached construction progress of 82.82 percent. Construction of construction includes station buildings and railway lines.

Meanwhile, the progress of the construction of operating facilities reached 95.41 percent as of January, consisting of completion of the Upper Stream and Electricity System (LAA).

The Tahan Abang Station development project has been groundbreaking since April 30, 2023. The station development was carried out to anticipate the increasing number of KRL passengers at the station.