PAN Party Joins The Government, Jokowi Re-shake The Cabinet?

JAKARTA - It seems that President Joko Widodo is in the midst of deliberating on a reform of the ministers in the Working Cabinet. In fact, it is not just a matter of merging the Ministry of Education and Culture and Research and Technology and the Ministry of Investment, Jokowi is also predicted to accommodate PAN Party who has joined the government.

UIN political observer Syarif Hidayatullah Gun Gun Heryanto assessed that PAN has the opportunity to be given a ministerial quota by President Jokowi as an 'award' for accommodating politics. Because he has supported the government after Amien Rais left the party bearing the sun.

"I see the reshuffle there will definitely be elite circulation, where one change will lead to another. There is also a chance PAN will enter the cabinet after Zulkifli Hasan can win the battle from Amien Rais' camp", Gun Gun told VOI, Saturday, April 17.

According to him, tinkering with Volume II of the Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin administration could change 4 to 5 ministry posts. First, explained the Ministry of Research and Technology led by Bambang Brodjonegoro. Second, the Ministry of Education and Culture led by Nadiem Makarim.

"Because there are two positions that have changed, it has automatically changed the SOTK (Work Administration System) from him to one ministry", explained Gun Gun.

Third, the Ministry of Investment as the new ministry. Fourth, the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) headed by Bahlil Lahadalia.

"Now BKPM still exists or is integrated with the Ministry of Investment? Fifth, is the circulation in the posts that will be allocated to new accommodation politics, such as the entry of PAN. I don't know which ministry", he continued.

If referring to the previous period, continued Gun Gun, PAN received the allocation of the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (KemenPAN RB). Where today the minister is from the PDI Party, namely Tjahjo Kumolo.

"Now, will there be a re-shake in several ministries? I see KemenPAN RB is not a ministry with a large budget. Previously it was also given to PAN because it was deemed not too big according to its composition", said Gun Gun.

Gun Gun sees that the automatic re-shake scheme has a big chance at several ministry posts if it accommodates PAN. Not necessarily PAN in KemenPAN RB, but according to him, there were 1 to 2 names that bounced from the cabinet.

"If it accommodates PAN, the most vulnerable are non-party independent groups", Gun Gun emphasized.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (DPP PKB), Daniel Johan, said that it would not be a problem if PAN joins the Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin government. PKB itself is known as a part of the Jokowi-Ma'ruf coalition from the start.

According to him, the most important thing is that PAN can strengthen the performance of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet if it gets a ministerial seat in the Jokowi-Ma'ruf administration.

"We'll see, the important thing is to strengthen the cabinet's performance later", said Daniel, Thursday, April 15.

Regarding the reshuffle, Daniel left the matter to Jokowi as the owner of the prerogative to overhaul the cabinet ranks.

"Heard, if no changes will be made this week, but this is the full prerogative of the president, we will fully submit it to the President", he said.

Daniel only hopes that the cabinet reshuffle can further increase the enthusiasm of the people. "And it will further strengthen people's hopes for the future", said Daniel.

Responding to the discourse, Chairman of the Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN) faction in the House of Representatives Saleh Partaonan Daulay admitted that until now his political parties have not received an offer to join the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet.

"PAN has not yet received complete information regarding the offer that will be given to PAN to enter the cabinet", said Saleh, Saturday, April 17.

According to him, changing ministers is the prerogative of the president which is constitutional. PAN, he said, respects all presidential decrees.

"The president has the right to evaluate the ranks of presidential aides in the cabinet", said Saleh Daulay.