Sad News From Ridwan Kamil, Temporarily Separated From His Wife Who Is Positive For COVID-19

JAKARTA - West Java Governor M. Ridwan Kamil admitted that he was sad to be temporarily separated from his wife, Atalia Praratya Kamil, who was exposed to COVID-19 and currently Atalia is undergoing independent isolation at the official residence of Pakuan State Building, Bandung.

"I am sad physically and mentally. I can only see my wife from a distance," said Mr. Emil after the film premiere of Sisterlillah The Movie at CGV PVJ Bandung, as reported by Antara, Monday, April 19.

Mr. Emil said that even though his wife had been vaccinated twice for COVID-19, this was not a guarantee that someone would be free from exposure to the coronavirus.

"So it is true that interactions outside (Mrs. Atalia) have been injected with the vaccine twice, but in this theory, please convey the media, the vaccine loads the antibody, and the loading is a maximum of two months or 60 days," he said.

"So, before 60 days, don't assume that even though you are vaccinated, you have been vaccinated twice as if you were free from potential exposure to COVID, that's how it is," continued Mr. Emil.

He said the health protocol had to be carried out even though he had been vaccinated against COVID-19 twice.

"The key is still the health protocol. You have to stay happy like watching this film. Please pray because Mrs. Cinta (nickname for Atalia) is in independent isolation. Yes, I am a husband, physically and mentally, yes I am sad because I can only see from distance," he said.


​​​​​Prayer and support

The Chairperson of the West Java Family Welfare Program, Atalia Praratya Ridwan Kamil is currently conducting independent isolation because she was confirmed positive for COVID-19.

Prayers and support flowed profusely from many parties.

Acting Regent of West Bandung Hengky Kurniawan through his Instagram account @hengkykurniawan prayed for Atalia to get well soon.

"Ma'am is not well, get well soon," wrote Hengky in the comments column of Atalia's upload.

Not only Hengky, a number of other regional heads in West Java, such as the Deputy Regent of Garut Helmi Budiman, also delivered prayers of healing for Atalia. "Get well soon, ma'am," wrote Helmi via Instagram account @kanghelmi_budiman.

Chairman of the West Java Moves, Tatan Ahmad Santana, expressed his support and prayers for healing for Atalia. He also prayed for the Atalia family to be rewarded with patience in facing tests.

"With love, she always endeavors to share and give meaning to others. Today she announced that she is positive for COVID-19. Hopefully, she will get well soon," said Tatan.

In addition, Tatan also invited all West Java Move administrators and volunteers in 27 districts/cities to give the best prayers for Atalia's recovery.

"To all administrators and volunteers of West Java Mobile in 27 Cities/Regencies as well as to all relatives, friends, and friends, I hope they are pleased to convey the best prayers for him," he said.

In addition, a number of public figures said their support for Atalia, such as Kartika Putri and Sonya Fatmala.

Atalia herself said that she was confirmed positive for COVID-19 through her official Instagram account, Saturday, April 17.

Even though she was confirmed positive for COVID-19, Atalia admitted that her condition is currently fine. "I don't feel anything, my smell is normal, just yesterday, my head is a little dizzy. I think it's because of the rain," she said.

Atalia asked people who had been in contact with her to check and monitor her health.

"To those who feel there is close contact with me, I beg you to do an examination immediately," she said.