Knowing The Principles Of Life Of Ukeireru, The Concept Of Self Acceptance That Makes Life More Calm And Happy

YOGYAKARTA In a life full of pressure and uncertainty, many people are looking for ways to achieve inner calm. One of the concepts that can be applied is ukeireru, a principle of life from Japan that teaches the art of accepting conditions without resistance. Ukeiru's principle of living helps a person to be calmer in dealing with change, reduce stress, and improve mental health.

This concept is different from just surrendering or giving up. On the other hand, ukeireru emphasized acceptance with full awareness, where a person continues to try to do their best while accepting all the possibilities that occur.

In Masato's view, Associate Professor and Director of the Okinawa Study Center in Japan accept themselves in contrast to resignations. Self-acceptance is sometimes important, quoted from Goodhousekeeping.

"Sometimes it's important to accept who you are, what you do, and what people do to you," said Masto.

"It's not the same as the resignation," he said again.

Ukeireru's principle of living is more than a circular self-receipt. This is a matter of accepting the reality or circumstances or facts that surround us, such as relationships, roles in the social community, and situations that are being faced.

Based on research conducted by experts, the attitude of being more accepting of your own thoughts and emotions without judging him can improve mental health. This can help us overcome factors that can trigger better stress.

Scott Haas, a psychologist in Cambridge, Massachusetts, explains in his book that applying acceptance means giving us space in our lives to get out of negative situations or unpleasant conditions.

For example, when we leave the toxic company and look for a new job, first we have to accept the situation that we are ready to move out of the same role or position.

Self-acceptance is different from surrender. Acceptance is a mindset to guide us from time to time.

Regarding this, Masato explained it as slow-rock philosophy, which is that the more we put it into interacting (with social and situation), we will be more natural in using it to deal with stress and deal with negative situations.







For those who want to apply the ukeireru principle of life, here are some steps that can be taken:

Realize that not everything can go as desired. Accepting imperfections is the first step towards calm.

Focus on the moment and enjoy the moments that exist without being burdened by the past or the future.

Instead of seeing the difficult situation as an obstacle, try to see it as part of a life journey that can be learned from it.

Life always changes. With a flexible attitude, one will adapt more easily and remain happy.

By applying the Ukeireru principle of life, we can find calm in accepting every aspect of life more openly. This principle is not only a philosophy, but also a way of life that can bring happiness and balance to everyday life.

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