Bribery And Gratuities Rampant, PKS Legislators Value Establishment Of The Ministry Of Investment Is Useless

JAKARTA - Member of Commission XI DPR RI Anis Byarwati considered the establishment of the Ministry of Investment is not the right solution to solve investment problems in the country. Although, the aim of the establishment is to increase investment and create jobs.

"Even if it is realized, this ministry will only solve problems in the downstream part of the investment," said Anis in his statement, Saturday, April 17.

Furthermore, Anis explained data from the World Economic Forum (WEF) which has released 16 factors that hinder the investment climate in Indonesia.

The WEF ranks corruption with the highest score, at 13.8, as the main inhibiting factor for investment in Indonesia.

"The proliferation of bribery, gratuities, and bribery practices by a number of individuals, especially in processing permits, has resulted in a number of serious impacts on investors," said the politician from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS).

In addition, said Anies, the second factor affecting domestic investment is bureaucratic inefficiency with a score of 11.1. Followed by access to payments with a score of 9.2, uneven infrastructure with a score of 8.8 and unstable policies with a score of 8.6 which complements the 5 main factors.

The Deputy Chairperson of the DPR RI State Financial Accountability Agency (BAKN) also opened other data related to Indonesia's position in the World Bank's Ease of Doing Business ranking (2020) which in many ways reflects the effectiveness and efficiency of the bureaucracy. EDBBD puts Indonesia at level 73.

"The level that shows the relative position is still low. Indonesia's ranking for the last three years has been relatively stagnant, and is still below neighboring countries in ASEAN. Call it Singapore in 2nd position, Malaysia in 12th position, Thailand in 21st position, Brunei in 66th position, and even Vietnam in 70th position, "said Anis.

Meanwhile, the World Bank report entitled "Global Economic Risk and Implications for Indonesia", states that Indonesia is considered risky, complicated, and uncompetitive.

Another thing that hinders investment, added Anis, is the existence of regulatory factors that are often unpredictable, inconsistent, and conflicting. Another reason that often hampers domestic investment is the instability of the government, which scores 6.5. Then the tax rate is rated 6.4.

Then the work ethic of workers gets 5.8 points, 5.2 tax regulations, and 4.7 taxes. These five reasons complement the top 10 factors that have hindered the development of inflation in Indonesia.

"So, the investment problem in Indonesia is so complex, it cannot only be resolved by creating new ministries and institutions. Upstream, middle, and downstream must be completed in a sustainable manner. The government must eliminate the top 10 inhibiting factors for investment, or at least eliminate the 5 main factors inhibiting investment, "explained the legislator for the DKI I electoral district.

As is known, the Government removed the Ministry of Research and Technology (Kemenristek) from the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet and merged it with the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud).

The merger was approved by the DPR through a plenary meeting under the name of the Ministry of Education and Culture-Research and Technology. In addition, Paripurna also approved the establishment of the Ministry of Investment and Job Creation, as the new ministry.