Nusantara Vaccine Polemic Continues, BPOM Floods Support Of Figures

JAKARTA - The Nusantara Vaccine Polemic between the Drug Administration (BPOM) and Commission IX of the Indonesian Parliament continues. In the end, support for the agency regulating the distribution of drugs and food emerged, including from hundreds of figures consisting of experts, researchers and national figures.

Through online press conferences, this movement provides support to BPOM by reading open letters. Former Director of RSCM Akmal Taher explained why the figures provided support for BPOM.

He said, this agency formed by the government, has worked in accordance with the existing system for years to oversee the circulation of drugs, especially vaccines in Indonesia. This must be guarded by the public in the midst of the Nusantara Vaccine polemic.

"This is what we have to protect and what is the danger, if it is disturbed? The most dangerous thing is that the safety of the vaccine or drug in circulation is not guaranteed. We have not talked about the benefits, yes, its safety first and that is very dangerous," he said in a press conference. online, Saturday, April 17.

"Public safety can be immediately disturbed," added Akmal.

Not only that, this kind of polemic will also disrupt the drug control system in the country and this will have serious impacts. "Because the working capital of BPOM is one, trust. Trust from whom, all parties at home and abroad," said Akmal.

"So once disturbed, don't imagine that the result is only the community whose safety is threatened but also the system," he added.

Furthermore, member of Transparency International Indonesia (TII) Natalia Soebagjo read an open letter containing the support of the leaders. The following letter was read:

Open Statement

"BPOM Team, Keep On Going!"

Any vaccine research needs to be decided by an authorized institution. needs to be decided by the competent state agency. We have the Food and Drug Administration of the Republic of Indonesia (BPOM RI). We, whose names are listed below, adhere to the establishment of BPOM, which is an official body in Indonesia and operates according to procedures, discipline and scientific integrity.

Let BPOM work calmly with its team of experts. We believe in their scientific integrity and independence. So far, BPOM has served to maintain public health in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

Those who work at BPOM have proven themselves to be patriots without much rhetoric, standing up to pressure from anywhere.

We, citizens of the Republic, stand with them.

We appreciate every research and development of vaccines and medicines as an endeavor to open up new possibilities against the pandemic. Of course, by still heeding scientific principles.

Let us remember that the life and death of millions of people is at stake.

Jakarta, 17 April 2021

We, citizens of the Republic

Apart from Akmal and Natalia, there were other figures who also provided support. They are Mustofa Bisri, Boediono, Alissa Wahid, Azyumardi Azra, Pandu Riono, Kuntoro Mangkusobroto, and Pratiwi Sudarmono.