During COVID-19, Supermarkets In The UK Presents Phone Shopping Options For The Elderly

JAKARTA - The group most susceptible to being infected with the corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) are older people. This certainly makes many countries in the world pay special attention to the elderly, so that they can survive in the midst of this crisis.

One country that pays special attention to the elderly and the elderly is England. Since Monday, March 6, the British Government has provided options for grocery shopping for the elderly, via telephone.

Reporting from the Huffington Post, telephone connections to supermarkets to shop are quite easy for the elderly to meet their basic needs. These elderly people do not have to be bothered with online shopping options, which the UK government actually proposed.

According to the UK Environment Secretary, George Eustine has agreed that large supermarkets should start introducing ordering services that make it easier for them to access the needs of the elderly. Not only that, Eustice also asked supermarket outlet owners to provide delivery services for those forced to self-isolate.

"Our retailers have contingency plans in place and are taking all steps to ensure consumers have the food and supplies they need," said Eustine.

“We have listened to our leading supermarkets and representatives from across the industry, and we are taking action to support their preparation. By allowing nightly deliveries to our supermarkets and food retailers, we can free them to move their stock faster from their warehouse to their shelves, ”added Eustice.

It came about because telephone ordering services were seen as the easier option, although supermarkets needed a little time to install the system to get it ready.

Interestingly, the telephone order option is also supported by several charities such as Age UK which have coordinated delivery services to the elderly. They also work with several supermarkets and individuals to get a weekly shopping list.

Through this option, it is hoped that parents and pensioners who are 80 years old can carry out physical distancing comfortably at home, in order to protect themselves from COVID-19 which is increasingly producing positive cases of contracting.