Causes Of Rude Feet Tumit, Symptoms, And Treatment Carried Out

YOGYAKARTA - Turbulent and cracked legs not only interfere with appearance, but can also cause discomfort while walking. So, what is the real cause of rough leg heels?

This condition is often taken lightly, but can be a source of discomfort and health problems. Curious, let's discuss further the causes behind the harsh heel of the leg.

Reporting from the page of The Feet People, the heel of a broken leg is a common problem on the legs, which occurs when the skin is dry and thick at the bottom of the heel is cracked and split.

In most cases, if the cracks are small, it just annoys and may look unattractive. However, if left untreated and the heel gap goes deeper, it can cause pain while walking and can be infected.

There are several stages of the development of broken leg heels. The first sign is the formation of dry and hard skin around the heel, which is called kalus.

As you walk and put more pressure on the area, the fat pads under your heels expand and cause this leak to start developing small cracks.

In addition, there are several other factors that can cause the heel of the leg to burst including:

Over time, the cracks will become deeper and possibly start bleeding. In severe cases, cracks can cause infection. Then if you are diabetic, the heel of the leg breaks can cause anise of the leg to be diabetic.

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In addition to the physical appearance of dry and cracked skin on your heels, you may also experience the following symptoms:

If your condition is mild, start by moisturizing your heels 2-3 times a day to help relieve symptoms. You can use floating stones before moisturizing, to remove a hard dead skin can prevent moisturizers from absorbing effectively.

After a week of general leg care, if your symptoms continue, it may be time for you to consult a specialist in skin and genitals. Usually doctors will recommend or provide the following combination of treatments:

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