9 Provinces Asked To Watch Out For Surigae Cyclones Which Will Increase In The Next 24 Hours

JAKARTA - Nine provinces in the country have been asked to be aware of the tropical cyclone Surigae. The cyclone that occurs in the waters of the Pacific Ocean north of West Papua is estimated to have increased in intensity in the next 24 hours and continues to move towards the northwest.

Based on an analysis issued by the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), Tropical Cyclone Surigae tends to move away from Indonesian territory, but still has an indirect impact on a number of provinces in the country.

"According to BMKG predictions until Saturday, April 17, at 19.00 WIB, the position of the tropical cyclone will still be in the waters of the Pacific Ocean and is expected to move towards the north of North Maluku, or at 11.7 North Latitude and 129.7 East Longitude, or about 1,040 kilometers north northeast. Tahuna, "Head of Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center of BNPB Raditya Jati in his written statement, Saturday, April 17.

This tropical cyclone is expected to move at a speed of 10 knots or 19 kilometers per hour with a power of 95 knots or 185 kilometers per hour with a pressure of 935 hPa.

As a result, the potential for heavy rain accompanied by lightning or lightning and strong winds in nine regions, namely West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, North Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, North Sulawesi, Gorontalo, Central Sulawesi, North Maluku and West Papua.

Then, sea waves as high as 1.25 to 2.5 meters are likely to occur in the Sulawesi Sea, Kep. Sangihe, waters of Sitaro Island, waters of Bitung-Likupang, Maluku Sea, South waters of North Sulawesi, Halmahera Sea, and Biak waters to Jayapura.

Furthermore, sea waves with an average height of 2.5 to 4 meters are likely to occur in the waters of the Talaud Islands and waters north of Halmahera. Meanwhile, sea waves as high as 4 to 6 meters are likely to occur in the northern Pacific Ocean from Halmahera to West Papua.

"In connection with the development of information regarding the Surigae Tropical Cyclone, the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) through the Deputy for Prevention has instructed policy makers in Districts / Cities in their respective regions to carry out efforts to strengthen preparedness to face some of the impacts of the tropical cyclone. , "said Raditya.

He said that the regional government is expected to carry out the mandate contained in the Deputy for Prevention of BNPB number B27IBNPB / DIl / PK.03.02 / 04/2021 dated April 13, 2021 concerning Early Warning and Preparedness Steps to Face the Potential of the Developing 94w Tropical Cyclone Seeds. into the Surigae Tropical Cyclone.

In addition, regional policy makers are also asked to implement what is stated in the Circular (SE) of the Ministry of Home Affairs through the Directorate General of Regional Administration Development Number 360/2067 / BAK dated April 16, 2021 concerning Anticipatory Measures Against Potential Tropical Cyclone Seeds.

Some of the things listed in the SE include coordination and synergy of Forkopimda, increasing awareness of potential disasters that can be caused, preparing facilities and infrastructure, increasing preparedness and building contingency plans and implementing SOPs for emergency management based on the application of health protocols with the COVID-19 Handling Task Force.

"Then the dissemination of information through the media and local wisdom, the allocation of the regional budget, guidance and supervision as well as monitoring of the area and reporting of disaster management results from the regent / mayor to the Ministry of Home Affairs," concluded Raditya.