Jokowi Asks For Cash-intensive Programs To Be Multiplied Fivefold

JAKARTA - The corona virus pandemic or COVID-19 in Indonesia is increasingly spreading. As a result of the epidemic, the economy was disrupted and made this year's state budget deficit widen. Therefore, the government asked for the acceleration of cash-intensive programs to boost economic growth amid the pressure of COVID-19.

President Joko Widodo asked for this labor-intensive program to be accelerated, in order to protect the community from the economic impact of COVID-19. According to him, to be able to encourage economic growth and people's purchasing power, cash-intensive activities must be more than normal conditions.

"This is an abnormal situation and the community is in a difficult position. Therefore increasing cash-intensive programs is the obligation of all ministries, agencies and regions. So if usually maybe only make 10 and now have to make 50 at least five. times (fold), "he said, opening a limited meeting via video conference at the Bogor Palace, Tuesday, April 7.

Quoted from the Directorate General of Fiscal Balance of the Ministry of Finance, cash for work is an activity to empower rural communities, especially the poor and marginalized, which is productive by prioritizing the use of local resources, labor and technology to provide additional wages / income, increase power. buy, reduce poverty, and simultaneously support the reduction of stunting.

With the cash-intensive scheme in implementing the Village Fund, it is hoped that it can absorb a large number of workers, by providing direct cash honoraria (wages) to the workforce involved, both daily and weekly, so as to strengthen people's purchasing power, increase economic growth, and public welfare.

Jokowi said that the creation of cash-intensive programs must be increased. Because, saying if it is done as usual it will not have an impact on society, especially the poor.

According to Jokowi, a number of programs in the ministry could be directed at cash-intensive programs. He encouraged this to be done by the Ministry of PUPR, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), Ministry of LHK, and Ministry of BUMN.

Optimizing Village Funds

Jokowi urged that village funds be immediately used in cash-intensive programs in rural areas. This is because village funds have not been maximally distributed. In fact, this step needs to be done to improve the national economy in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The report I received at the end of March 2020, only 32 percent of village funds were distributed, which was only in the position of Rp. 9.3 trillion from the first stage ceiling of Rp. 28 trillion. This means that from a total of Rp. 72 trillion, that's only 13 percent. "he said.

Given that the absorption of village funds for cash-intensive programs has not been maximal, Jokowi asked PDT Village Minister Abdul Halim Iskandar to make guidelines so that cash-intensive programs can be implemented.

"In order for the cash-intensive work program to be truly massive and right on target, this must give priority to poor, unemployed, underemployed families and if possible, work wages are given every day. But if not, then one week, "he explained.

Adhere to Protocol

President Jokowi wants the cash-intensive program to be carried out massively to help residents affected by the Corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic economically. However, Jokowi advised that the implementation of the program must still carry out health protocols.

"I remind you that this cash-intensive implementation should carry out strict health protocols, maintain distance, wear masks. So that the implementation of cash-intensive programs does not interfere with our efforts to break the chain of spreading COVID-19," he said.

Jokowi believes that with the improvement of this cash-intensive program, it can create jobs and maintain the purchasing power of rural communities.