TOEFL Applicable Period, And Differences From ToEFL Types

YOGYAKARTA - The TOEFL ITP and IBT test certificates are one of the requirements that must be met when someone submits a scholarship. The validity period of TOEFL ITP and IBT is quite long so that it can save costs.

The Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL) is a series of tests to test a person's English skills. The abilities tested during the test include reading, listening, writing, and speaking skills.

Based on the type, TOEFL can be divided into two types, namely TOEFL ITP and IBT. The main difference between TOEFL ITP and IBT is how to do it. TOEFL ITP is done paper based, while TOEFL IBT is done with a computer or internet based.

The certificate of the two types of TOEFL was issued by the English competency test provider based in Princeton, United States, Educational Testing Service (ETS).

In addition to how to do it, what are the differences between TOEFL ITP and IBT and how long the two types of TOEFL are valid. Check out the full information below.

Basically, the validity period of TOEFL ITP and IBT is the same as other types of English competency tests such as IELTS or TOEIC. These two certificates have a validity period of two years, calculated since the certificate is issued. The score results will usually come out within two weeks after the test.

Quoted from the official ETS website, the validity period of TOEFL certificates cannot be extended or valid for life. This is because TOEFL test participants are not native speakers in English. In other words, do not use English as mother tongue so that a person's skills can change depending on his condition.

In addition to the work method, TOEFL ITP and IBT have quite a lot of differences. In order not to make the wrong choice, below is a list of TOEFL ITP and IBT differences that must be known.

TOEFL ITP is generally used to apply for scholarships or lectures at domestic universities. Meanwhile, TOEFL IBT is a requirement that must be met to continue studies at foreign campuses.

The TOEFL IBT test score starts from 0 to 120. As for the TOEFL IPT test, the range of scores that will be received by participants is between 310 and 677. So, even though they are unable to answer all questions correctly, the results received are not 0, but 310.

Citing the Cilac page of the Islamic University of Indonesia, the TOEFL IBT test fee is USD 205 or around IDR 3,141,676. The TOEFL ITP test fee is more affordable, which is around IDR 550 thousand to IDR 700 thousand, depending on the institution that organizes the test.

The competencies tested by the two are also different. In TOEFL ITP, the level of the questions tested tends to be easier because the whole problem is in the form of multiple choices. The competencies tested in this test include listening, structure, written expression, and reading.

This is different from the questions of TOEFL IBT which are more varied. The components tested are also varied, including reading, listening, speaking, and writing.

Such is the review of the TOEFL validity period and the difference. Visit to get other interesting information.